Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
made her jump and, wincing, she put her hand to her head again.  “Please Lieutenant Commander, have some pity for the dying” she muttered and staggering to the door opened it, only to be faced with an irate Luke Owen, bare chested and pony tailed , just wearing a pair of black jeans.
                  “Oh, so you’re awake” he snapped.
                  She put her hand to her head again “God, Owen, don’t shout, what do you want?”
                  “What do you mean what do I goddamn want? You were supposed to be modelling that sexy blue number for me - have you forgotten?  And its Luke, you agreed to call me Luke”
                  “Really Owen, you do talk a load of rubbish - and get some clothes on, its against ships regs to go round in that state” a worm of remembrance was wriggling to life in her brain and she decided the best thing to do was to bluff it out and inject an official tone into the proceedings. “Now, what’s on the agenda for today?  I think I’ll check the fresh water manifest - would you go....................” she turned and reached for the clipboard next to her bed, shaking her head as she did so to try and clear the fog from her mind.
                  Suddenly Owen’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist in a vicelike grip, forcing her to drop the clipboard.  “I’ve had enough of your stalling  Alodie Austen, I’ve been patient long enough” he hissed, pushing her backwards towards the bed.
                  “What the hell do you think you’re doing Lieutenant Commander?” she gasped, realisation dawning on her just how strong he really was.
                  “What I should have done years ago, what we’ve both been wanting for months!”
                  Austen drew back her hand to slap his face but he caught it with his free hand and, pinioning both her arms above her head he wrapped his other arm around her waist then deposited her on the bed, throwing himself on top of her.  She tried to push him away but he had her hands tight and she only succeeded in rubbing up against his body.
                  “You had no idea how strong I was, had you honey?” he snarled
                  “You cowardly bastard Owen, I’ll have you court martialled, I’ll......”
                  He laughed and kissed the tip of her nose “No you won’t angel, because we’ll never be rescued.  Where we’re going there are no court martials and no lieutenant commanders and captains.  I resign my commission.  The chances of that message being picked up and acted upon are zillions to one!  Face it, beautiful, we’re here to stay and you, hon.....” he slowly unfastened her boiler suit with his free hand “........are mine”
                  She began to panic, then her training took over and the fear that had begun to overcome her turned to anger “That’ll be the day you arrogant.........” she snarled and brought her knee up between his open legs, with a shriek Luke Owen let go her hands and grasped himself.  Quick as lightning Austen sat up and landed him with an uppercut to the chin, he rolled onto the floor, grunting in pain.  Jumping off the bed Austen grabbed her service psi gun from the bedside locker and pointed it at the now quiescent Luke Owen.  “One move, pig and you’re a stain on the floor.  I’ll decide when I lose my virginity, and to whom.   I belong to no one but myself, and certainly not to a swine who uses his superior strength to rape a helpless woman!”
                  Owen struggled to his feet, his eyes beginning to water “Jeez! Helpless?  Rape?  I was trying to do you a favour”
                  Austen was almost speechless “Favour! You arrogant cocksure bastard, how dare you!” she spluttered.
                  Owen gave his vitals a final rub and then held up

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