Victor's Vow [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Read Online Victor's Vow [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) by Josie Dennis - Free Book Online

Book: Victor's Vow [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) by Josie Dennis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Dennis
Tags: Romance
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timbre. He grasped her chin and lifted her face to his. “Go to your guest room. I’m sure Ivy is awaiting your call.”
    Violet blinked up at Cabot, then accepted his kiss with one of hers. His own lips tingled for the touch of that tender caress, but he was far too brutish to warrant such care.
    She stared at him now, then nodded and left his room.
    Victor cursed, dragging his fingers through his hair. “What the hell am I going to do now?”
    Cabot shrugged and picked up Victor’s jacket where he’d tossed it on the floor. “You’re going to take her again, I imagine.”
    “Yes,” Victor admitted. “Rutting bastard of a Hawk that I am, I suppose I will.”
    “As will I,” Cabot said.
    Victor couldn’t rouse a lick of jealousy at the notion. Instead he imagined the two golden beauties fucking and groaned aloud. “I admit I can’t wait to see that.”
    Cabot nodded, then stroked his cock, visibly hard through his own trousers. “God, the sight of you pounding into her soft, sweet pussy. I nearly came just from watching.”
    Victor nodded and sank down in the chair nearest the fireplace. “She was a virgin, Cabot. She was so hot and tight I couldn’t stop. I nearly died inside of her.”
    “A poet for a Hawk, I see,” Cabot teased. “Are you ready to dress for dinner?”
    Victor waved a hand. “Go see to your other duties, man.” He lifted his chin at Cabot’s erection. “What are you going to do about that?”
    “You don’t want to suck me?” Cabot asked.
    Inexplicably, Victor’s mouth watered at the thought having a taste of him. “I’ve never.”
    “No matter.” He winked. “You will, before this is over. As for this afternoon? Lucky for me, I’m not a Hawk.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I’ll just use my hand and the image of you and Violet to see to myself.”
    Again Victor was seized with the urge to laugh. Cabot left his room and Victor saw to his own dress. It was all so astounding, this surprise liaison among the three of them. He shouldn’t fuck her again. He really shouldn’t. Yet the thought of never having her again caused a pain to settle close to the center of his chest.
    He’d have to talk with her, of course. When the heat of passion wasn’t burning so damned hot he could scarcely breathe. She would want to know where this would leave them once they returned to Ralston House.
    They had nearly a fortnight before the holiday, after all. They were stuck here at Hawksfell, the both of them. Cabot was a willing participant, and perhaps Victor’s beast would have its fill of fucking before the new year. Then he could go back to being the thoughtful relative and only support for the girl in his care.
    He closed his eyes, reveling for the moment in the intense pleasure of coming without the familiar emptiness to follow so swiftly on its heels. He didn’t know what the hell all this was but he would enjoy it while he had it.
    God knew what would come when this madness was over.
    * * * *
    Cabot climbed up to his attic room, his balls aching but his heart light. Tasting Violet, bringing her to stunning climax, had surpassed his expectations. But watching Victor take her? He hadn’t been lying when he’d said he’d nearly come in his trousers. His big dark body held over her perfect fair form was something he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
    He opened his door and stepped inside. As he eased the door closed he worked the top button free of his trousers. He hissed as his fingers brushed over his swollen cock.
    “You’re not with the baron, Cabot?” Ivy asked from behind him.
    His hand stilled and he craned his neck. He saw over his shoulder that, once again, she was stalking him in the hallway.
    “I have to ready for dinner service, Ivy.” He folded his hands in front of his groin and turned to face her. “Don’t you have to see to the countess?”
    Ivy nodded. “Yes. I thought I’d take care of Miss Ralston first but her guest room was empty.” She tilted

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