her head to one side. “Where do you suppose she could be?”
Cabot felt his cheeks turn pink but he managed a negligent shrug. “How would I know? It’s a big house, you know.”
“Hmm.” Ivy ran her gaze over him. “You look disheveled, Cabot. Much like you did yesterday afternoon.”
“What are you implying?”
She let out a gasp. “I know who you’ve been with!” she said, her eyes narrowed.
Cold fear clutched at his belly. “What?”
“Tillie,” she said. “That little kitchen mouse. You’re fucking her!”
Cabot nearly laughed at the ridiculous notion. Tillie was not only very young, but as naïve as a child. He’d no sooner fuck her than he would Mrs. Holmes.
“I’ve not taken Tillie and you’d be wise not to spread such a vile tale, Ivy. The countess doesn’t care for gossip, and Mrs. Holmes will recommend she sack you if she gets wind of it.”
Ivy paled. “That’s true.”
“Now stop hounding me and go play with one of the groomsman. What about the new chauffeur? Maybe he’ll give you a ride, so to speak.”
Ivy clicked her tongue. “Do you think I’m a doxy, Cabot? I don’t just want a tumble. Goodness knows I could get one anywhere I wanted.” She eyed him again. “Nearly anywhere, that is.”
“As I said, I have to ready for dinner service. Go down to the servants’ hall. Go down to the carriage house. Go down to the bloody kitchen and help Mrs. Padmont with the bloody stew. I don’t care. Just get out of my bloody room!”
Ivy pulled back, then an expression of resignation settled on her face. “Fine, then.” She sniffed and lifted her chin. “I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Do you?”
Apparently she chose to ignore his meaning. “You can’t deny that your shaft is hard for someone, Cabot.”
It’s hard for two people, actually. He forced himself to keep Victor and Violet’s names behind his teeth. “Go, Ivy,” he said, more gently this time. “My business is my own.”
“Take care,” she said in parting.
She left and he prayed that was finally the end of it. He closed the door tight. His exchange with her had taken care of his erection. That was certain. Putting the maid out of his mind, he dressed for dinner service and hurried down to the servants hall.
She’d told him in parting to take care. He would have to do that for sure. Playing with Victor was one thing. He was a Hawk and used to taking his pleasure wherever he might. As for Violet? She was previously a virgin. A passion-starved, eager former virgin, but an innocent nonetheless. She was most definitely in love with Victor, though. Cabot would have to be blind not to see that from the first. Having the both of them as lovers was something he never should attempt. They were both so far above him it would be ridiculous if he didn’t know in his soul that they wanted him as much as he did them.
What this would mean after Christmas was anyone’s guess. He would simply enjoy himself and keep his heart out of it. He might be sensitive, but he was no simpering fool. Play was play. Two weeks wasn’t long enough for his heart to crave more than passion with them. He was sure of it.
* * * *
Violet sat before the small vanity in her guest room, her heart finally beginning to slow. She was clad in only her chemise again, a fresh one this time, and the mirror showed her what a mess she looked. Her hair was tangled and her lips swollen. She was so fair she could see the faint marks left by first Cabot and then Victor’s attention to her aching breasts. What had she done?
First, to take a flirtation with Cabot to such lengths, and then to give herself to Victor? She laughed without humor. Truth be told, she hadn’t given him anything. She’d taken. Everything he’d had to give. His big body, heavy and wonderful on hers. His thick cock, finally as deep inside of her as she could manage. And yet…
And yet she still craved to make love with Cabot. What was wrong with her?
A knock
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