Vatican Ambassador
there a place I can go to the bathroom?” BC asks the goon.
    “You can go back on the ship. We’re almost there,” Bruno grunts.
    Maybe I could make a break for it.
    “Hey!” Bruno grunts at BC. “Slow down!”
    Somehow, that doesn’t seem like a viable alternative…
    BC walks on next to Wentworth’s thug.
    Not this time, then. But now that I know you’re alive, Fiza… I’ll what? Rescue you? Come back for you next time?
    Bruno sticks by BC’s side all the way to the airlock. He shuts the airlock door behind BC as he boards the ship to leave Wentworth Station.
    Next time, then…

Chapter Six
    The trip back to the Moon takes just under eight hours. Relatively fast. BC nods off in his stateroom during the trip, coming to as Wentworth’s ship clunks into its berth at the port at Lunar Prime. Eight hours, again… Isn’t that just like the UTZ Council? Keeping the fastest ships for themselves!
    BC disembarks through Wentworth’s private bay and makes his way through the Lunar Prime spaceport. He finds a porter unit to take his luggage back to the Vatican Mission. As he passes queued up outgoing passengers at one of the public carriers counters, he spots Marc Edwards in line. BC walks over to say hello.
    "Marc! How are you? What are you doing here? Where are you off to?" BC asks as he shakes his hand. Edwards laughs, "Too many questions at once, BC! I'm going away for a while. I don't have that many responsibilities right now, so I'm gonna go visit some family back on Earth, take a break. Maybe do the tourist thing and see a few sights. A vacation! Imagine that!
    “How are you doin'?"
    "Don't ask." BC sighs, changes the subject, "You know, Marc, I'm still stunned people voted that terrorist into office over you."
    "I don't know, BC. Is it really that surprising? They never really voted me in in the first place, did they?”
    Edwards sighs. “They got me by default when Meredith died. Now, they’ve got Daniel. Guess they like the McEntyres," Edwards says, defeat resounding in his voice.
    Damn, the guy doesn't deserve this...
    Edwards perks up, "Hey, I saw you came in on that UTZ Yacht! Wentworth's ship! Traveling with some pretty fancy company, aren't you?"
    Pretty slimy company, actually…
    "Not really. He wanted to meet with someone connected with the Vatican. I guess these days, I'm the most accessible. I'm convenient, acting ambassador and all. But I couldn't tell him anything he didn't already know."
    Edwards’ turn at the counter comes. He steps up and orders, "One to New York. Thank you."
    "That's Liner 95. It's leaving soon. You only have two minutes!" the woman behind the counter tells Edwards. "Gate Seven, Mr. Edwards. You'll have to hurry!" She clears his bags through and pushes the ticket into his hand.
    Edwards looks at BC, goes to shake his hand, but then decides to give him a hug. They pat each other on the back.
    "Thanks, BC. Ya’ know, for stickin’ by me and all,” Edwards says, stepping back. He shakes his head.
    “Man, I appreciate everything you did, your advice… Thank you, BC.” Edwards smiles a half-hearted smile.
    He lifts his carry-on bag. “Hey, I gotta run!" He turns and runs for Gate Seven. "I'll see you sometime!" he shouts at BC over his shoulder.
    BC picks up something in his tone. "How long are you gone for?" BC shouts back.
    "I don't know. A while. I'll be in touch. I gotta go!" he yells as he runs.
    "Have a good time," BC says knowing there's no way Edwards can still hear him. But somehow he does, and turns to wave. Then Edwards disappears into the crowd heading for the departure gates. BC turns and heads for the Vatican Mission.
    I hate to see that guy go. He was one of the good ones. Maybe it's because he didn't get elected into office. Somehow that let him do a better job. Plus he was a real friend… I don't have many true friends.
    Speaking of friends… I've got to find M'Bekke. And then find something to give the UTZ to string them along.
    Purposes and missions,

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