Boarlander Boss Bear (Boarlander Bears Book 1)

Read Online Boarlander Boss Bear (Boarlander Bears Book 1) by T. S. Joyce - Free Book Online

Book: Boarlander Boss Bear (Boarlander Bears Book 1) by T. S. Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. S. Joyce
glowing under that nickname murmured in his deep, sexy timbre. “And why’s that?”
    Harrison lifted his chin and locked his possessive gaze on her. “Because you’re mine now.”

Chapter Six
    “Okay, change of plans,” Harrison said as he spiked up his hair in the mirror. “You drained me, woman, and now I’m starving.”
    Audrey giggled as she shoved a beach towel into her black, sparkly tote bag. “Me, too. I heard a rumor about how much bear shifters eat.”
    Harrison straightened his tight forest green T-shirt with a beer logo on the front onto his torso. “It’s true. Whatever you heard, it’s true.”
    Harrison opened the door and took the tote bag from her as she passed.
    Pleased as punch, she smiled her thanks. “So you do like copious amounts of salads then?”
    “Ha, no. I need meat.”
    “But not raw meat.”
    “Do you like raw meat?”
    “Ew!” she exclaimed. “No. I was lonely growing up, but I never once got the craving for a friendly tapeworm.”
    Harrison snorted and opened the passenger’s side door of a jacked-up red Chevy Silverado. She angled her face at the expensive looking black-out rims and matching step-ups. “This is a nice truck.”
    “You sound surprised.”
    “Well, your trailer park looks like a shithole.”
    He bellowed a single laugh and helped her into his pickup. “Yeah, well, that you can blame on Clinton. I’ve wanted to fix it up, and Damon gave us the funds to do it a long time ago, but Clinton is convinced if we repair anything in the trailer park, we’re fixing it up so we can bring in girls and make it more accessible for cubs. You look sexy as fuck with your hair down.” Harrison leaned over her and sipped her lips before he grinned and closed the door, then jogged around the front of his truck and got in behind the wheel.
    Audrey wrapped her arms around her stomach to settle the butterflies there, but it didn’t help. Harrison was wrecking her entire system, and now she would never stop smiling.
    “Why doesn’t Clinton like women?”
    “That I don’t know.” Harrison rested a hand behind her headrest and checked the parking lot behind them as he backed out. “Clinton is a tough egg to crack.”
    “Will he be angry that we’re…what are we?” Please don’t say fuck buddies.
    “Dating. Mating. Whatever you want to call us, I’m good with.”
    “Dating is good.” For now. “I mean, technically we’ve been dating for a couple of months,” she teased.
    “Oh, that’s right,” he played along. “To celebrate our two month anniversary, I’m going to take you to the opening week of the first and only Thai food restaurant in town.”
    “Ooh, yum! Have you ever been there?”
    “Never. It’ll be a first for both of us.”
    “First date,” she murmured, in disbelief that she was really riding through Saratoga with Harrison.
    “And your first Boarlander bang. That was your fault, by the way. I was happy to just kiss you and go sit in some boiling hot spring so I could have the excuse of getting to know you. You went all dick-sucky on me, ya little vixen.”
    “Vixens are foxes. My claws are bigger.”
    “That they are.” Harrison pulled to a stop at the red light and lifted the back of his shirt. Among his scars were long, healing scratches.
    Her mouth flopped open as she traced one. “Did I do that?”
    “Yeah, kitty.” He pulled her pink painted nails to his lips and kissed her quick as the light turned green. Hitting the gas, he said, “You can mark me up with those sexy painted claws of yours anytime.”
    “Just so you know, I kind of lost my mind with you back there. I’m not like that.”
    “Like what?”
    Easy. “Um, so you know how I told you about my ex, Rhett?”
    “Yeah, talking about him makes me want to break things, so perhaps let’s not.” Indeed, Harrison’s eyes were lightening by the moment, and the air had grown heavier in the cab of his truck. “It was crappy of him to bail on you when you were

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