Vampires Seduction #1 (The Paranormal Town Romance Series)

Read Online Vampires Seduction #1 (The Paranormal Town Romance Series) by Tasha Scott - Free Book Online

Book: Vampires Seduction #1 (The Paranormal Town Romance Series) by Tasha Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tasha Scott
began to pull foxtails from her hair and out of the
thin silky gown.
    "There you are!" A
surprised voice startled her. "Everyone is looking for you, warlocks,
witches, shape shifters. Oh, and vampires. Two to be
    Anca's brown eyes widened, "Have you
seen them?"
    The witch did not answer. "Yes,
you are quite the popular woman in Lompoc."
    "But why?" She felt tears beginning to well up
in her eyes. She hated tears! She hadn't even cried when her parents died only
two hours apart. The thought of her parents' death seemed an eternity away now.
The idea squeezed her throat and she began to sob, "Why, why, why!"
She gulped air and huge tears rumbled down her cheeks in silent desperation.
    Anca felt the witch's tight arm around
her shoulders. "There, there." A claw-like hand patted her back.
"Of course you are distraught. Why wouldn't you be?" The voice was
soothing, musical. "It's alright now. None of those horrible creatures can
get near you now. I'm here." Anca relaxed
against the warm body which smelled like freshly baked gingerbread cookies.
    The wind howled and a voice
bellowed, "Release her!" But no one appeared to claim the voice.
    Anca allowed Calypso to lead her through
the valley. She wasn't aware of the cows grazing or the wild turkeys crossing
in front of them on the dirt path. She placed one foot blindly in front of her
as if she was sleep walking.
    A large rotunda-shaped building
appeared before them in the middle of a circle of oak trees. They stood in
front of heavy oak double doors. Calypso announced, "We're here."
    "Where are we? Why here?" Anca looked at the huge brass door knockers on each door which had been made to resemble gargoyles.
    The witch was a master of deceit.
She could answer any question with perfect feigned truthfulness. "You are
here to rest, gather your thoughts and just relax while your car is being
repaired so that you can continue the rest of your journey." Calypso
smiled with her lips closed, not wanting to frighten her prey with her jagged
pointed teeth. She had spoken a half-truth, after all. The woman did need to rest. Tonight was going to
be a long one. "Now come, rest. Sleep. You have a long journey
    Anca was too tired to argue. She let the
witch remove her shoes. She entered the circular room, not even noticing the
stain glass windows depicting various scenes of women being burned at the
    Calypso provided a large black terry
cloth robe. Anca raised her arm and allowed it to be
slipped on her; the way a small child allows her mother to dress her.
"Now, here's a lovely bed for you to rest."
    Down quilts had been layered on a
low wooden platform. Anca slid onto it, her head
sinking into the pillow, closing her eyes even before Calypso placed a black
heavy quilt over her. "Sleep well."
    It seemed like an eternity before
the sun decided the day was coming to a close. Gunnar finally was able to take
to the sky to begin his search for Anca . He scanned
the horizon. He could not find her. He couldn't smell her. He couldn't hear
her. He came to the painful conclusion that he should have let Emil retrieve
her with him, but they needed the other vampires tonight. One of them had to
rouse the army. If only he had taken a sip of her blood, a tiny sip would have
helped him find her, but he knew she was not ready for that step. Now, he had
no choice but to turn around and try to summon Emil. He landed in a clearing.
His senses were on high alert.
    He heard a rustle in an oak tree
over his head. " Psst ! Psst !" He looked up. "Embla?"
    She came crashing down to his feet.
    "Yes, it's me." She let
him help her to her feet. "I've come to help you. They are taking her to Zucar Kendlesmith tonight."
Embla spoke very quickly. "We have to hurry. I know where she is."
    Gunnar smiled, "I knew I could
count on you Embla."
    "Can you protect me, Gunnar?
Calypso will kill me if she finds me. And the truth is , she undoubtedly knows where I am right this moment."
    "Don't you have a spell

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