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Book: vampireinthebasement by Crymsyn Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crymsyn Hart
Tags: Romance
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staked her through the heart. Joe found me on the precipice of truly falling. He said I could never go back to Heaven because of the things I had done, but I could still do some good. I could rid the world of vampires. I could take out my guilt and hatred on them. I’d become a Fallen angel, an angel not able to stay in Heaven, but one who still had its powers. It was that, or he would’ve killed me. I took the better offer. Soon my guilt turned into hatred. My regret and love turned to horror at what I had done. For these past six hundred years, I’ve been slaughtering vampires. Lori became my partner, and three hundred years ago we were paired with the H’s. So we became a squad.”
    Daniella stood up on tiptoe and took his face in her hands. Her skin was cool, and the crimson was creeping back into her eyes. “I’m sorry you were hurt so. No one deserves to go through that. I understand why you don’t trust me. Nonetheless, I appreciate that you’ve told me your story.”
    “Tell me how come you’re able to withstand the hunger of the vampires? You’re still hungry, but you’re not pouncing on me.”
    She sighed. “I don’t know. It’s been that way ever since I was turned. I think it’s one of the reasons why I can’t ride the shadows. I feel them creep over me, but nothing happens. I can go longer without drinking than the others can. Balthus thought it was a great asset, but the others in the nest hated it and ridiculed me for it.”
    “You need to finish feeding and then I can leave you for the night.”
    She bit her lip and railed her finger over his lips. He sucked in a breath and felt his cock firm. “Are you sure about that? There’s one other thing I feel when I touch you.”
    “What is that?” Tris was already taken by her charms. She was right. His walls had come down.
    She pulled his face down to hers until their lips were only millimeters from meeting. “Desire.”
    * * * *
    Daniella pressed her mouth against Tris’s. Once she did, the passion that surged through her was enough to make her fangs ache. His barriers were down, and she could see into his soul. No matter how much Tris tried to keep her out, there was no denying his attraction to her. His blood had awakened the same feelings inside of her. Ever since her dream, she could not push aside the passion he stirred in her. The feelings were burning through her, and they would consume her soon. Tris stiffened at her touch, but he did not push her away. It took him a moment before he kissed her roughly, bruising her lips from the force. He scooped her up and supported her ass with one hand while the other glided along her nape. His fingers threaded into her hair. Tris slipped his tongue between her lips and ran it along her teeth. Daniella wound her fingers through his blond mane and felt the cool breeze of his wings as they surrounded them. Once they closed upon them, she pulled away. It felt as though her heart pounded from the exhilaration, but she knew it was only her hunger calling to her once more.
    “Did I hurt you?” Tris gulped in the air.
    “No.” She searched his eyes and saw his enflamed desire. “Tell me what you want.” Daniella kissed his cheek lightly and flicked her tongue over his flesh until she came to his neck. Her tongue wound over the spot on his throat where his blood was so close to the surface. She could taste it. The urge to sink her fangs into his flesh nearly overtook her, but she suppressed it. Her fangs tingled. Her need to slack her thirst was great, but she realized it was spurred on by the desire that had her in its grips. She ran her tongue over his neck once more, tasting the salt on Tris’s skin and something that reminded her of cotton candy. It was so sweet. Daniella wondered if it was just him, or if other angels tasted like that too. Her fangs grew a little at the thought of his blood. Before she could plunge her teeth into his flesh, Tris yanked her head back and stared at

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