Vampire Dating Agency

Read Online Vampire Dating Agency by Rosette Bolter - Free Book Online

Book: Vampire Dating Agency by Rosette Bolter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosette Bolter
it’s a form of mental illness.”
    Melanie made
a face and looked away.
    “What are you
here for then?” Haley asked.
    “Excuse me?” Brock
said tilting his face downward.
    “You’re not
here for love,” she went on. “So what is it that drives you?”
    “I think
we’ll keep that a mystery for now,” Brock beamed.
    He stepped in
front of her table.
    “Perhaps you
would like to ask me again later. In private perhaps.”
    Haley leaned
back in her chair.
    “He’s hitting
on you,” Riley’s
voice chimed in her ear. “Go for it, Haley.”
    “Is that an
invitation?” Haley asked.
    “No,” Brock
said. “It’s a demand.”
    He reached
into his pocket and pulled out a small shiny object. He placed it on the table
next to her cocktail glass, and then walked away into the crowd.
    Haley leaned
forward and picked the object up.
    It was a blue
looked over. “Let me see.”
    She showed
her the key.
    “Looks like
you’ve got your first date,” Melanie said. “Well done.”
    “What’s his
name again?”
    “Brock Ferns.
I had a meeting with him a couple of weeks ago. Didn’t go great.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “Well, he’s
pretty much a nobody in the vampire world. Not much money behind him. That I
can gather anyway.”
    “So you’re …
looking for a rich vampire then?”
    “Most of them
are rich,” Melanie said. “I think he’s looking for his ‘partner in crime’ so to
speak. Not my thing.”
    “I should
probably just do it though…” Haley said. “For the experience?”
    “It’s up to
you,” Melanie said. “I won’t say anymore. I don’t want to spoil it.”
    “Where am I
supposed to go with this?”
    “The floor
above this one. I wouldn’t rush into it though. You never know. Someone else
might throw their hat in the ring.”
    “Take your
pick,” Melanie said sipping her drink. “Could be anyone of them. They may have
chosen you already. But you don’t yet know…”
    Haley turned
her eyes back into to the crowd.
    There was too
many. Too many faces.
    Too many
people who could see her.
    Had she
already found him?
    Was Brock the
    Or was there
someone else out there, plotting their next move…

    Haley stood from the table. Her
fingers touched side of it as she got up, and it was she could feel it
vibrating. She jumped around as though someone had just shouted in her ear, but
the piece was silent. She knew she could feel something. As if the air pressure
in the room had marginally lifted.
    “Are you
okay?” Melanie asked.
    Haley nodded.
“I just feel … a little nauseous.”
    “Well, walk
around for a bit,” Melanie suggested. “Get the blood moving again.”
    “My blood …
my blood is fine.”
    Melanie gave
a short laugh. “Listen. I’ll come with you. Get ourselves another drink.”
    “No,” Haley
said quickly. “You stay there. I’ll get them.”
    Melanie put
her hands up. “Whatever.”
    “Where’s the
    “Out there.
Through the archway. Back through the hall. It’ll just – open up for you…”
    “Got it.”
    At least she
thought she did.
    Haley walked
slowly through the space between them and the archway, brushing through the
crowd. Hands. Fingertips. Eyes. They lingered.
    She made it
through unscathed and headed through the archway as it had been pointed out to
her. She walked along the carpeted corridor until she reached another room
where others were mingling.
    Behind them,
she could see the bar.
    “What can I
get for you?” the normal looking bartender inquired.
    “Actually …
is there a ladies room?”
    “Yes, mam,”
he answered. “Follow that hall down there till you find yourself back out on
the landing. Straight to your left, by the stairs leading back to the ground
floor, you’ll see a door with the symbol on it.”
    “Of the
    He nodded.
    “Thank you.”
    Haley stepped
way and followed his directions, leading back out the

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