
Read Online Velvet by Jane Feather - Free Book Online

Book: Velvet by Jane Feather Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Feather
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his chair and took a pinch of snuff. “Gabby came to me some weeks ago. You remember that interesting piece of information we received about Napoleon’s intention to attack Sicily?”
    Nathaniel nodded, his eyes sharp with attention. The piece of intelligence from a hitherto unknown source had enabled the government to strengthen the British fleet protecting the Bourbon king in Sicily. The show of strength had changed Napoleon’s mind somewhat abruptly.
    “Well, it came from Gabby.” Simon permitted himself a satisfied smile as he saw his companion’s reaction. “She learned it from Talleyrand and brought it to me as an indication of her ability and her desire to act as an intelligence agent for England. I discussed it with Portland, of course, and we decided you should make the decision. Even if you decide against her, I will vouch absolutely for her discretion. I’ve known her since she was eight years old. She’s unusual. She’s clever. She has wit and courage. And she most desperately wants to be of service to England.”
    “Even if I grant she has some of those qualities, you know I do not employ women.” Nathaniel stood up and went to refill his glass.
    “There are exceptions to every rule,” his host reminded him. “Tell me where you would find another agent so perfectly placed, so impeccably qualified? She has entrees into every diplomatic, political, and social circle in Paris. Talleyrand is her godfather, man!”
    “And she’s prepared to betray him?” Nathaniel looked skeptical.
    “She grew up in England,” Simon explained. “When Talleyrand insisted she return to France, she was very unhappy. But he was in essence in loco parentis, and she really had no choice but to obey him. But she’s always been clear where her true loyalties lie. They lie here.”
    Simon leaned forward and kicked a fallen log back into the grate. “After her husband’s death, she became very depressed … listless. Her letters had none of the usual spark and vitality. Georgie was worried about her. She invited her to stay for a while and Gabby came to me with the suggestion that she use her position and contacts in France to work for England. She was very convincing.” He shrugged lightly. “Her information was
    He looked across at his now-silent companion. “She’s always had a political mind, unlike Georgie, whomost of the time couldn’t tell you the members of the cabinet. It doesn’t interest her. But Gabby’s very different. Her upbringing, perhaps. Losing her parents to the Terror. Talleyrand’s influence—whatever. But she blows a great deal. She can sift the wheat from the chaff when it comes to information. And she needs something to absorb her mind.” He examined his friend shrewdly as he hammered the nail on the head. “You’ve been looking for an insider in Paris. Gabby’s the best placed.”
    “I don’t deny that.” Nathaniel, as Simon knew, could never resist logic and fact. Even his prejudices gave way before such potent persuaders.
    Simon sat back, crossing his ankles, his eyes narrowed as they assessed Nathaniel’s reaction.
    “It won’t do.” Nathaniel got to his feet again. “Even if she is what you say, I can’t see a way to working with her. She’s not disciplined and I’ll not jeopardize my other people by taking on an unknown quantity.”
    “Very well.” Simon inclined his head courteously. “The decision was always yours. We know you know your own business best.”
    “Oh, in this respect, Simon, believe me, I do.”
    There was something about the way Nathaniel said this that struck Simon as a little curious.
    Nathaniel put down his glass. “I must change for dinner. I’ll leave first thing in the morning, since my business here is done.” The door closed behind him.
    And what of friendship?
Simon thought sadly. Is that done too? Nathaniel saw everything these days in terms of business, and the dictates of friendship meant nothing to him. It

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