Vampire Brat

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Book: Vampire Brat by Angie Sage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Sage
too. I figured it must have been almost midnight.
    Wanda started up again about going back to bed.
    â€œNo,” I told Wanda very firmly, “you are not going back to bed. We are on a Combined Werewolf and Vampire Trapping Expedition and we haven’t even finished the first half of it since we have not found a single werewolf, let alone trapped the vampire.”
    â€œI don’t care,” said Wanda grumpily. “I don’t want to find a single werewolf. I don’t even want to find a double werewolf. I don’tcare about vampires. I want to go back to bed.”
    â€œAll right, go back to bed then. I’m waiting for Sir Horace. I’ll see you later,” I said.
    Wanda stared at me like I’d said something really dumb. “I’m not going back on my own , Araminta,” she said.
    At that moment I heard the telltale clank of Sir Horace’s armor.
    â€œAh, Miss Spookie and Miss Wizzard. Thank you for meeting me here. It is most kind,” Sir Horace boomed as he walked into the ghost-in-the-bath bathroom.
    â€œIt’s a pleasure, Sir Horace,” Wanda piped up, conveniently forgetting that a few seconds earlier she had been about to bunk off to bed and desert Sir Horace.
    â€œHow kind of you, Miss Wizzard. It is alwaysa pleasure to meet you, and Miss Spookie, too,” said Sir Horace.
    I didn’t want to hang around too long with Sir Horace, as we still had a vampire and a werewolf to catch and time was getting on, so I asked, “Why did you want to see us, Sir Horace?”
    â€œI would be most grateful if you would do me a favor, Miss Spookie. Would you be so kind as to open my treasure chest for me?”

    I wondered why Sir Horace needed us to open the chest at midnight, seeing as he could have asked usany old time of day, but I didn’t say anything. I lifted up the lid. “There you are Sir Horace,” I said. “We’ll be off now.”
    â€œCould I trouble you to do me one more favor before you go, Miss Spookie? Would you be so kind as to take out the small silver whistle andblow three times, just as the clock chimes the hour?”
    This sounded very mysterious. I scrabbled around in the chest and found the whistle. It looked very small and scratched.
    â€œAh,” said Sir Horace when he saw the whistle. “There it is. Those were happy days. I remember when Fang would—” At that moment the clock in the hall began to chime thirteen and Sir Horace almost yelled, “Blow! Blow the whistle, Miss Spookie.”
    So I did. Well, I think I did. I blew a big puff of air into it but no sound came out. I blew again. And then one last time, which made three. Sir Horace did not seem worried that the whistle made no noise.
    â€œThank you so much, Miss Spookie,” he said. “Now I must be off to await my faithful Fang.” He spun around on his foot and almost ran out of the ghost-in-the-bath bathroom.
    â€œWho’s Fang?” whispered Wanda, sounding scared.
    â€œI think it was his dog,” I said, trying to remember what Sir Horace had told me on the stairs. “Shh—what’s that?”
    We shrank back into the bathroom just in time—and who should walk by but Vampire Max?

    T he Combined Werewolf and Vampire Trapping Expedition was back on track—at least the vampire part was.
    I beckoned to Wanda. She sighed and mouthed, “Do we have to?” and I mouthed back, “Yes!”
    We crept out of the ghost-in-the-bath bathroom and followed Max. This time I was determined not to lose him so Igot as close as I dared.
    I guess I was a bit jumpy by now because I caught sight of something moving along the floor beside me and I nearly yelled, but then I realized that it was only the stupid shiny ears on Wanda’s slippers waggling as she tiptoed along.
    Max headed into the twisty corridor that led to the locked turret. I know it really well since before Wanda came to live here

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