Vampire in Denial
behind them. "Too bad, as you're both going to be our guests for a while."
    Tessa spun around ready to bolt.
    Pain exploded in the back of her head, and for the second time that night she collapsed to the cold ground, unconscious. The last sound she heard was the beating of heavy wings.

    C ody knew the power of his wings, even if he had yet to test them in battle. And that was little hard to do since there hadn't been a battle during his lifetime. Energy rushed through him.
    From the corner of his eye he could see Tessa crumpled on the floor, blood seeping from her temple. Anger slammed into him.
    Rage drove him forward in a mad rush. Both vampires fought back. Suddenly Cody found himself fighting for his life – and Tessa's. Rearing back to recoup, he rushed them again, raining blows on the two men from above, trying to chase them from Tessa. Teeth bared as long claws slashed. He fought with brutal precision, knowing that to lose was to lose Tessa. He could not lose Tessa.
    "Hell. What is he?"
    "He's a fucking vampire, you idiot." The older of the two rushed him, slashing Cody deeply across the chest. Then he raced backwards
    "So what? I am, too, but I don't fucking fly. Why can he?" The two men circled Cody, trying to stay out of reach of wings and claws. "What the hell do we do with him?"
    "We take him down."
    The younger vampire gazed at Cody in astonishment. "And how do you expect to do that? He's like us. Killing him isn't going to be easy until there's sunlight. He's not likely to run away and hide."
    Cody grinned. A deep fanged smirk that made the other men back up. "Even then, I won't be going and hiding anywhere." He swooped down and caught the younger one up in a choke hold. "I'm not like you. I'm better." Squeezing tightly, he backed up, struggling with the man's weight. What the hell had this one been eating? Vampires were rarely fat; they couldn't consume enough to get that way. This one, though, had some serious poundage on him already. Cody tucked that tidbit away in the back of his mind as he squeezed tighter and moved back another couple steps.
    And stumbled on uneven ground.
    Cody's arm lock barely loosened, yet it was enough that the vampire broke free and bent forward, gasping for air. "Shit, get him, Benj."
    "Shut up, you fool."
    The young pudgy vampire coughed a couple times before turning back to face Cody. "He's just a fucking kid. We can take him."
    "Like you just did?"
    Cody came to a graceful landing, one foot on either side of Tessa. "This isn't a game. You attacked this girl."
    "Huh. This is my house, and you are trespassing." The older vampire grinned maliciously. "Go ahead and try to explain that one."
    Cody tucked back one wing and knelt slowly, one eye on the men. He checked Tessa's pulse. "I won't have to. Do you really think no one saw you snatch the humans?"
    Relief bounced through him at Tessa’s strong, steady pulse. Though she was a genetic anomaly, nobody wanted to test out the theory that she'd live forever. Who could say for sure? What if they were wrong?
    He also didn't want these assholes to know who she was. She'd be worth a lot in ransom. Then again, they wouldn't live to enjoy it. There were problems between Tessa and her dad, but no one doubted that he adored her. Old vampires like him also didn't take lightly to young upstarts like these two assholes.
    Cody's eyes narrowed. He wasn't exactly sure who or what these guys were, but he had his suspicions. They were ignorant in ways that didn't make sense, like not knowing about flying vampires.
    From the kidnapping of humans – a crime considered by some as abuse against animals – to attacking one of the elder's daughters. Yeah, that meant a jump right to a death sentence. She'd been hurt once tonight already. He cast a worried glance down at her crumpled form. Was that wound bleeding faster?
    "So what are we going

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