Unexpected Love

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Book: Unexpected Love by Melissa Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Price
“Do you know what kind of food Sean likes?”
    Maggie got a smile on her face, “I think he likes Italian, steak, and I’m not sure what else.  When he comes over for dinner, he always eats what I fix.  He could be just polite about it now that I think about it.”  She gave Taylor a grin, “Going to make dinner for him?”
    Taylor shrugged, trying hard to look casual.  Cooking was a serious thing to her.  “I was thinking about it.  He’s been nice to give me a room while I’m here.”    She wondered what happened to the one night idea.  She reasoned with herself that there was nowhere to go, so she should be grateful.  And he hadn’t intruded on her.
    She hadn’t bothered to lock the door and he had been polite this morning and knocked.  He had waited for her to open the door as well.  She had a roommate once that would just walk into her room without asking.  That had been when she had just gotten her first cooking job.  As soon as her checks were coming regularly, she had gotten her own apartment.  It was small but private.
    “That’s a great idea.  What are you thinking of making?”
    She shrugged again, “Maybe lasagna or something.”  She loved to cook Italian.
    Taylor bought several items at the grocery store and it was only when they went to the car to put the bags in that she remembered she could not lift anything heavy, let alone carry them up the porch steps and into the house.
    Dammit.   Why hadn’t she been thinking before she bought six big bags of groceries?  Sure his kitchen needed it, but how was she going to carry them in?
    She turned to Maggie and in a hurried and soft tone, told her the bare facts of the car accident and her limitations.
    Maggie replied, “Don’t you worry.  I can take them in.  Walter can take ours in for me.  He is home today doing some research.  He likes to keep abreast of developments and consult with specialists.  I think he has a patient that he is consulting with a specialist about today.”
    They got into the car to head back.
    Maggie looked at her curiously, “Does Sean know?”
    “About what?”
    “The car accident and your limitations?”
    Taylor nodded her head yes and did not see the smile on Maggie’s face as she turned away.

    Four hours later, Taylor had put all the food stuff away, made the lasagna, and homemade garlic knots.  She had thought about making a limoncello fruit tart but she was not sure if Sean liked sweets.  She decided to make it and if he didn’t eat it, he could take it to work for everyone.
    It felt good being in the kitchen again.  Even though she had to stop and sit frequently to rest, she was happy.  She rarely cooked much for herself so it was nice to cook for someone else too.  She had thought she might be rusty, but it all came naturally.
    Her phone rang.  Sean.  “Hello?”
    “Hey.  This is the first chance I’ve had to call.  Busy day.  How are things going?”
    “Good.  Maggie and I went shopping.”
    “Are you finding everything you need?”
    “Yes.  I had a little trouble with the door code but it was the operator, not the door.”
    He laughed, “I had trouble with it at first.  I have to go, I’ll talk to you tonight.”
    “What time will you be home?”
    “Around 5:30.” 
    “Okay.  I’m making dinner.”
    “Wow.  That’s great but you didn’t have to.”
    “I know.  I like to cook.  See you later.”
    “I’ll be there.”
    She laughed, “Of course you will.  It’s your house.  Bye.”
    She forced the big smile off her face and went back to cooking.
    She glanced at the kitchen clock.  It was 4:45.
    Half an hour later, she heard the front door open and Sean walk in.  She stayed in the kitchen but he soon appeared, “What is that amazing smell?”  He was grinning.
    “Dinner.  It’s almost ready.”
    He walked over, taking in the aromas of the fresh bread, the lasagna in the oven.  “Wow.  I’m going to run up and change.  I’m

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