Unearthly, The
get ready.”
    She was shaking her head vigorously back and forth — which I took for yes . I grabbed Andre’s hand and, ignoring the zing of energy and the live current now circulating between us, led him to my room.
    My place was empty when I arrived, something I was exceedingly grateful for. It would be difficult to explain to Oliver and Leanne everything that had happened to me and still make the meeting on time.
    I felt Andre behind me; the thrum of his energy stretched and receded like a rubber band when we were near. He walked over to my bed and picked up his blanket, his expression smug.
    He lifted one of those deliciously sculpted eyebrows. “I think someone likes me.”
    I snatched the blanket from his hands. “Don’t get too excited. I was cold.” I was also a liar, and he knew it.
    His look became heated, and he smiled suggestively. God help me, I was getting turned on. He began walking towards me, and that electric charge between us surged.
    He came in close and stopped. Not meaning to, I breathed the scent of him in and shivered. He was turned on — I don’t know how my nose detected it, but I could tell. This smell thing was freaking me out.
    He leaned in, his breath tickling my skin. “I think we have some unfinished business. I think you do like me, and I’m prepared to convince you until you can no longer deny it.”
    The air thickened, and my breathing came out in ragged bursts. Something was going on between us, and if I didn’t end this soon, I was going to do something regrettable.
    I stepped around Andre and grabbed my towel and some clothes from my closet, breaking our connection. I walked to the door and turned back to him. “Convince away.”
    I took a quick shower, dried my hair, and threw on my clothes. When I walked back into my room Andre was sprawled out on my bed, holding a framed picture of my mom and me at one of my old track meets.
    “This is your adoptive mother?”
    “She seems nice.”
    “She is.” I crossed the room and took the photo from him, placing it back on my desk. It unnerved me to have him peering into my personal life. Only then did I notice what he said.
    I froze. “How did you know I was adopted?”
    He shrugged, but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips and his eyes glittered mischievously. “I can tell you, but it will cost you.”
    “It will cost me what?” I asked, agitated.
    Now his smile widened, showing pearly white teeth and a little fang.
    We both heard my heart rate pick up at his unspoken offer. “Are you seriously going to withhold my family’s past from me?” I asked, exasperated at the entire situation.
    His eyes twinkled.
    Yes , he would withhold the information I desperately craved.
    I shook my head. I could expect no less from the same man who thought it was okay to kidnap an uncooperative girl for a date.
    I grabbed a coat from my closet and tugged it on. “Ready?”
    He got up slowly, slinking towards me. The energy between us pounded in my ears and swept across my skin. Then he passed me, and the energy ebbed.
    “I’ll take that as a yes .”
    We walked down the stairs. In the lobby the girl behind the desk was speaking on the phone and biting her nail anxiously. I still hadn’t seen Professor Nightingale since moving in, and it appeared that she couldn’t be bothered for this kind of problem. So much for having a house mother.
    When the girl behind the desk saw us, she pulled the phone away from her ear. “Is your friend leaving?”
    “We both are,” I said.
    “Students are not allowed to leave — ”
    “Just call Professor Blackmore. He’ll okay it,” I said, not breaking stride.
    “You can’t lea — ” The doors closed behind us, muffling her protests.
    “Okay, so where’s this meeting happening?” I asked.
    “My place.”
    “You’re taking me to your house ?”
    “I’m not exactly thrilled to bring you there, so stop staring at me like I’m going to deflower you.” He had the audacity

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