Unearthly, The
their world that I hadn’t considered they’d be skeptical of mine.
    We rolled up to a wrought iron gate, and a security guard sitting in a nearby booth nodded to Andre. The gate swung open and the car rumbled through. We sped along the road for another few minutes before we approached a grand mansion. According to Andre, this was Bishopcourt, his estate.
    Andre broke the silence. “The doctor said you died at your Awakening.” I met his eyes. He looked concerned. It was difficult to dislike him when he acted like he cared.
    I broke eye contact and stared out the window, taking in the group of people waiting for Andre in front of his mansion. “Did they tell you I woke up in the morgue?”
    “Yes.” I expected him to laugh, but instead his voice was solemn. I turned back to him. His eyes were searching my face, and I got the impression he was memorizing something about me.
    Reluctantly he broke his gaze and turned off the car. As soon as the ignition was off, Andre’s minions descended on us.
    “Good evening miss,” said the man who opened my door.
    “Evening,” I murmured back. This was so strange.
    I looked over at Andre, who was exchanging formalities with one of his people. He was a chameleon; all signs of his somber mood had vanished the instant he left the car. He caught my stare and smiled. The sight of his smile sent a jolt through me.
    Breaking away from the small crowd that had formed around him, he came over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, sending a shock of energy through me. “Don’t look so freaked out. We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet,” he whispered into my ear.
    I discreetly shrugged his arm off, and together we walked towards the mansion.
    The two guards who stood to either side of the doorway bowed in unison and opened the door for us. My jaw slackened, and I did a double take of Andre, sure I had missed something. The guy was a celebrity; I expected the attention. But bowing? That indicated reverence.
    “Who are you?” I asked.
    “I am the king of vampires.”

Chapter 9
    I stopped walking . I’d never felt more out of my element. “You’re a king? And these people are what, your minions?” I gestured to the great number people who appeared to be waiting on him.
    “They are my subjects,” he said.
    I let that sink in. An undead king. No wonder the guy couldn’t take no for an answer.
    We walked down a long hallway, turned down another, and finally stopped in front of a pair of closed doors.
    Andre placed a hand on my shoulder. “Before we go in, I should mention that the audience might be hostile.”
    I doubled back to glare at him. “What do you mean ‘hostile’?” I squeaked.
    He heaved a tired sigh. “No one’s going to hurt you Gabrielle. You are one of us. It’s just that no vampire has been created in almost a century — and no vampire has ever been born.”
    “No no no no no,” I said, shaking my head. This was too much. Having to face a coven — a freaking coven — was strange enough. But a potentially hostile group of vampires? I’d get eaten alive — literally. I began backing away.
    Andre saw the mutiny in my eyes. “Oh no you don’t.” He reached out to grab me, but I was too quick. I bolted.
    I ran back down the hallway we came through, amazed at how swift I had become. The gold leaf molding that decorated the hallway blurred.
    Andre was not pursuing me, but then he didn’t have to. From my peripherals I saw a blur of movement, and I had less than a second to react before a huge body tackled me. The air in my lungs whooshed out as I landed hard on the ground. But as quickly as I was knocked down, I was dragged up again.
    I looked up at my attacker’s face, and all I saw was fang.
    I let out a surprised scream.
    “Thought you’d get away, eh?” the man asked in a thick Scottish accent. He held my upper arm and walked us back down the hallway. I struggled against him for a bit, but my new powers had no special effect on

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