began to move again. I was about to throw her on her back and fuck her when she shook her head and began riding me faster. She rested her forehead against mine, staring into my eyes as she moved up and down, squeezing my cock with her tight pussy, demanding I concede to the power she had over me. My cock throbbed, and she was so wet my balls were soaked with her juices. I was so deeply lost in her, my eyelids got heavy from the dreamlike feeling she was inducing.
“ Tell me,” she said as I shut my eyes, yanking on my hair to get my attention. I looked back into her blue gaze, all my focus still on the feel of her moving up and down, sending white-hot pleasure up my spine with every shift of her hips.
“ Tell me,” she demanded a little louder this time.
She wanted me to make a confession I wasn ’t ready to give.
“ Xander…”
I was vulnerable as fuck right now. She already had me on my knees as her body took from me. Any other time, I could talk my way out of this, but as she rocked her hips and stared straight into my eyes, there was no point in denying it. She wanted me to admit it. I wanted to admit it, and she tore it right out me.
“ Love you,” I ground out. My chest tightened with that confession.
She smiled, shifted, then began to fuck me so ha rd my vision blurred, my head lolled back, and a ferocious wave of pleasure soared through my whole body and exited in a forceful burst of cum deep in Avery’s tight, hungry pussy.
“ Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I chanted from the almost painful orgasm that seemed to pull my soul right out of me.
We both breathed heavily. Avery pressed her body against mine, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck as she covered my face and neck with kisses.
“ What was that?”
She laughed as if I were joking, but I really wanted to know how she’d wrung that amount of pleasure from me. She shifted her hips. I sucked in a breath, stilling her with a hand on her hip because it felt like her pussy was still trying to yank something out of me, but I was sure she’d dried me out.
She looked me in the eye, kissed me , and said, “That was love.”
“ It’s scaring the shit out of me.”
“ I know I twisted your arm to say that, but it felt right, even if you had to lie to me.”
“ It wasn’t a lie.” It was the realist thing between us. I was lying to her about things I never wanted her to know. But loving her would never be a lie. If I was going to fall over the edge, I damn sure was taking her with me, though.
“ What’s your truth?” I asked, because I fucking needed to hear it too.
She ran her fingers into my hair, massaging my scalp. She leaned in , and with her lips pressed against mine, she said, “You’re my truth.” She kissed me until I was breathless. Then she looked at me with those blue eyes and whispered, “I love you, Xan.”
Shit… I squeezed my eyes shut and absorbed her words.
Hearing my father ’s nickname for me come off her lips nearly brought me to tears. In that moment, I knew she owned me. Completely.
Co dependency
The doorbell kept ringing. I picked up my phone and realized it was three in the morning. There were only two people who would be let up here at this time, and Marcus had a key. I slid out of the bed and threw on a pair of shorts before leaving the bedroom to answer the door.
“ What do you want, Veronica?” I asked, purposely blocking her entry by leaning against the slightly opened door. She wore tight black jeans, a yellow crop top that couldn’t contain her breasts, and huge sunglasses, even though it was pitch dark outside.
“ What’s going on, Xander? You come back and you don’t even call me?” She pushed her sunglasses up to rest on her forehead. The glasses had been hiding how dilated and weary her usually gray eyes were. She’s high.
That meant it was going to be harder to get rid of her. She pushed against the door and eyed me when I held firm. “Xander…”
I sighed, took a step
Melissa Toppen
Julian May, Ted Dikty
Lisa Phillips
C. I. Black
Lin Anderson
Katharine Kerr
Dan Gutman
Rebekah Johnson
Holly Bush
Angela Brazil