
Read Online Intentionality by Rebekah Johnson - Free Book Online

Book: Intentionality by Rebekah Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebekah Johnson
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breathing in any sensible manner. To make things even more implausible, I seem to have conjured up a picture of the man in my mind’s eye. If I weren’t in such a state I may take a minute to admire my handy work!
    Should I look around? Should I run? Should I converse with my mind’s fabricated man? If I tell the imagined man to leave and never return would he be able to do that or would that need the fabrication to have freedom of thought?
    â€œHi… It’s me again… I can hear you… I am not fabricated or imagined and I certainly do have freedom of thought, two arms, ten toes, that sort of thing,” communicated the man again.
    Have I been mumbling out loud? How embarrassing! Now I have lost all of my faculties. I shall just move to the exit without looking and hope that the imagined, argumentative soul stays where he is. That sounds like a plan.
    â€œNo wait, I only wanted to say Hi. Guess I have actually done that now, but please stay. I want to know why I couldn’t hear you last time. Your mind is so strong that I actually heard you from under the surface. That’s why I came up. In around five minutes, there won’t be anyone watching from the viewing tower because it’s supposed to be me. You could come back and I’ll help you get permission for those lanterns that you wanted,” he suggested
    â€œIf you can really hear me, say this next sentence out loud,” I challenged. “Say, ‘Can I help you, Ma’am?’”
    â€œCan I help you Ma’am?”
    There it was. My sentence, it permeated through the void of the deck, it travelled like golden rays of sunlight through water, twirling and echoing towards my brain, then it bridged the gap from make believe to reality and blew me straight to the floor.
    I heard steps now moving towards me as I struggled, unsuccessfully, to get back on my feet.
    â€œI really must limit my anonymous rescues to one a year. They are no good for my ego. So this time you are going to communicate to me what your name is because there is no excuse. There is not another single soul in this Nest that can do what you and I can. Believe me I have tried to find another,” he revealed.
    Yep he’s doing it. He has just voiced an opinion without opening his lips. He is also very close! I have never held hands with a boy before! I think that he may be pretending to check for injuries but all the same I have never been this close to a male in my entire life. If my heart wasn’t already on full speed it would certainly be accelerating. I really don’t think I am likely to have injured my hand more than my head in the order of medical priorities.
    I may as well travel further willingly into this mess and begin communicating with him. After all he is just wishing to help and he did such a good job keeping my sister alive. I am certainly not going to lie. He thinks that I am Lily and as soon as he discovers otherwise I may get my hand back.
    â€œMy name is Mae, and I am not the only person capable of this form of communication. You have previously experienced the pleasure of rescuing my twin Lily. So now you have a full set of rescues to your name!” I communicated.
    Keep it light-hearted Mae, don’t give too much away. You only wanted a lantern or two. Not to stay down in The Nest as punishment for being contaminated by the thoughts of a Mono so close to Ascension. His hand immediately dropped mine so hard that it hit the cold hard floor making my pretend injury suddenly real.
    â€œOUCH! What was that for?” I complained.
    â€œYou are a twin! We have never had twins before. How have they been keeping that a secret?” he questioned in my head.
    â€œLook, I don’t think I should be this close to you, even if you are pretending to calm my furrowed brow. I thought you were going to help me attain the permission for the lanterns and then I will be able to leave with no further harm done.

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