Under the Winter Sun (Elemental Enchanters Series Book 3)

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Book: Under the Winter Sun (Elemental Enchanters Series Book 3) by Carrigan Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrigan Richards
shook his head.
    “What is it?”
    “I’m just tired. It was a long night.” But she could tell that wasn’t the truth.
    “What did you do?”
    “I practiced with Gustav and Aaron.”
    “How did you do?” She laid her head on his chest.
    “I’m fine once I know something is going to hurt someone, but when it comes out of nowhere or when something breaks my concentration, I lose. I can’t figure it out,” he said, frustration in his weary voice.
    “I had the same problem. It’s hard. I broke my concentration during the battle. And you killed that witch that was coming for me.”
    “It’s just when I’m with you, I’m stronger. When you were around Xavier all those times, I was just so scared he’d hurt you, and nothing happened to you. You felt no pain. It’s just harder with more people.”
    “Is that why you want to spend more time with them? To get to know them better?”
    “Maybe. Katarina was helping me tonight. She says she has to turn her feelings off and it becomes a job to her, to protect. But it’s hard to just turn it off.”
    “It is, but it can be accomplished. Gabriel is good at it. When I practice, I set myself apart. Stay focused on the main goal and everything will fall into place.”
    “I wish you would come. I mean, in the ten minutes I’ve been here, I already feel better.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m so afraid of messing up again. Of letting them kill more of us. Seth didn’t deserve that. What if I mess up so much that Havok takes you?” His brown eyes watered.
    “You can’t think like that. Havok will never take me.”
    He pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers. The surge of electricity awakened her heart. It thrummed like a drumbeat against her chest. She kissed him harder, holding him tightly. But no matter how tight she held him, something felt different.
    Over the following weeks, Ava and Peter fell into a routine. School every day, then the waterfall. Afterward, they’d go back to her house, have dinner with her dad, or go to Peter’s house. Then, Peter would go to the Manor every other night and return to Ava by the end of the night. They always pretended Peter slept on the couch, and she knew if her dad ever asked, he’d catch them in the lie. 
    Not that they were doing anything in her room. They would kiss, but Ava couldn’t figure out why Peter was acting so weird lately. It wasn’t the stress of showing their love. Or the grief. He’d been distant, but it was getting worse. Maybe he resented her a little for not going to the Manor. He asked her daily to go, but her answer was always the same.
    Ava didn’t want to go anywhere, especially to the Manor. She didn’t feel like doing much else either. She only turned on the TV for Peter’s sake, while she’d curl up next to him on the nights he decided not to go to the Manor.
    On a freezing cold day, they were at the waterfall and as Peter eased Ava into the water, she pulled her hand away from him. He reached for her.
    “No, I want to see if I can do this.”
    “Ava,” he begged.
    She closed her eyes as the cold spread through her quickly. Her teeth chattered and her body involuntarily shook. She could do this. Get warm. Get warm. She told herself over and over. But the cold was overbearing, like tiny shards piercing her skin.
    “Ava, take my hand.”
    “For crissakes, your lips are blue,” he shouted and she opened her eyes. He snatched her hand and the warmth swelled inside her. Peter drew her into an embrace and she relaxed her head against his warm sweater. Fatigue took over.
    “It’s not working.” Her voice was just above a whisper.
    “We’ll keep trying.”
    Ava swallowed back her tears. “We’ve been trying for weeks now. It’s useless.”
    “Don’t give up.”
    “There’s no point, Peter. Nothing has happened.” She climbed out of the water, grabbed a towel, and wrapped herself in it.
    Peter followed and sat next to her on a rock that overlooked

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