Titus Andronicus & Timon of Athens

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Book: Titus Andronicus & Timon of Athens by William Shakespeare Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Shakespeare
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faults of Titus’ age,
    Th’effects of sorrow for his valiant sons
    Whose loss hath pierced him deep and scarred his heart;
    And rather comfort his distressèd plight
    Than prosecute the meanest 33 or the best
    For these contempts.— Why, thus it shall become
    High-witted Tamora to gloze withal. 35
    But, Titus, I have touched thee to the quick,
    Thy life-blood out: if Aaron now be wise,
    Then is all safe, the anchor’s in the port.—
    Enter Clown
    How now, good fellow, wouldst thou speak with us?
    CLOWN     Yea, forsooth 40 , an your mistership be emperial.
    TAMORA     Empress I am, but yonder sits the emperor.
    CLOWN     ’Tis he. God and Saint Stephen give you good e’en 42 . I
    have brought you a letter and a couple of pigeons here.
    Saturninus reads the letter
    SATURNINUS     Go, take him away and hang him presently.
    CLOWN     How much money must I 45 have?
    TAMORA     Come, sirrah, you must be hanged.
    CLOWN     Hanged? By’r lady , then I have brought up a neck 47 to
    a fair end. 48
    SATURNINUS     Despiteful and intolerable wrongs!
    Shall I endure this monstrous villainy?
    I know from whence this same device 51 proceeds.
    May this be borne as if his traitorous sons,
    That died by law for murder of our brother,
    Have by my means been butchered wrongfully?
    Go, drag the villain hither by the hair:
    Nor age nor honour shall shape privilege. 56
    For this proud mock I’ll be thy slaughterman, 57
    Sly frantic wretch that holp’st 58 to make me great
    In hope thyself should govern Rome and me.
    Enter a Messenger, Emillius
    What news with thee, Emillius?
    EMILLIUS     Arm, my lords! Rome never had more cause:
    The Goths have gathered head , and with a power 62
    Of high-resolvèd men bent to the spoil 63
    They hither march amain , under conduct 64
    Of Lucius, son to old Andronicus,
    Who threats in course of this revenge to do
    As much as ever Coriolanus 67 did.
    SATURNINUS     Is warlike Lucius general of the Goths?
    These tidings nip me 69 and I hang the head
    As flowers with frost or grass beat down with storms.
    Ay, now begins our sorrows to approach:
    ’Tis he the common people love so much.
    Myself hath often heard them say,
    When I have walkèd like a private man, 74
    That Lucius’ banishment was wrongfully, 75
    And they have wished that Lucius were their emperor.
    TAMORA     Why should you fear? Is not our city strong?
    SATURNINUS     Ay, but the citizens favour Lucius,
    And will revolt from me to succour him.
    TAMORA     King, be thy thoughts imperious, like thy name. 80
    Is the sun dimmed, that gnats do fly in it?
    The eagle suffers 82 little birds to sing,
    And is not careful 83 what they mean thereby,
    Knowing that with the shadow of his wings
    He can at pleasure stint 85 their melody:
    Even so mayst thou the giddy 86 men of Rome.
    Then cheer thy spirit, for know thou, emperor,
    I will enchant the old Andronicus
    With words more sweet and yet more dangerous
    Than baits to fish or honey-stalks 90 to sheep,
    When as the one is wounded with the bait,
    The other rotted 92 with delicious food.
    SATURNINUS     But he will not entreat his son for us.
    TAMORA     If Tamora entreat him, then he will,
    For I can smooth 95 and fill his agèd ear
    With golden promises that, were his heart
    Almost impregnable, his old ears deaf,
    Yet should both ear and heart obey my tongue.
    To Emillius
    Go thou before to be our ambassador:
    Say that the emperor requests a parley 100
    Of warlike Lucius, and appoint 101 the meeting
    Even at his father’s house, the old Andronicus.
    SATURNINUS     Emillius, do this message honourably:
    And if he stand in 104 hostage for his safety,
    Bid him demand what pledge will please him best.
    EMILLIUS     Your bidding shall I do effectually. 106
    TAMORA     Now will I to that old Andronicus,
    And temper 108 him with all the

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