Under Dark Sky Law
kept a better handle on that situation, and they’d paid the price
for sure. She must have been a sight for the dome patrols to pick
up—half naked and covered in blood. At least her wig glue had held
fast prior to the hospital staff taking it off.
    She would have killed for a communicator and
some privacy. She needed to figure out whether or not Argon was
still alive, and she needed to have a serious sit down with
Calavera. She wasn’t sure what was worse—Calavera losing control of
her goons, or just outright turning against her. From the sounds of
it, whoever was behind everything was stirring up trouble on a
bigger scale than the typical drug wars. Shit was going down, and
she wasn’t one to just sit on the sidelines and let things burn
around her. Either she was going to take a fire extinguisher and
put out the blaze, or she was throwing gas on the flames.
    She wasn’t going to get the chance to get all
the answers she wanted right now, but there was a bright side. At
some point they’d changed their policies. For far too long they had
disseminated the patient information on a digital basis
only—meaning there was no chart left behind in the room for anyone
to look at if they didn’t have their own tablet to access it. This
had caused her great inconvenience on certain missions, and she
imagined it had also likely caused a good deal of medical
malpractice, as it relied on medical personnel actually taking the
time to ID their patients before looking up their chart
information. Looked like they had solved it by just leaving a
tablet behind in every patient’s room, which was just fine and
dandy for her.
    Only thing that would have made it better
would have been to put it closer to her bedside. The tablet was
docked at the foot of the bed. Thinking of her skewered organs and
the wide swath of bandages across her abdomen, this wasn’t going to
be comfortable by any stretch of the imagination. Fuck it. She sat
up in bed and bit her tongue to stifle any excess screams from the
pain that cut through the drugs. If anyone was looking at the
security cameras they’d see her getting up to no good, but making
undue noise would just draw their attention sooner.
    With one swift exhale, she jerked forward and
snagged the tablet from the end of the hospital bed. Perhaps she
was imagining it, but she could have sworn she felt and heard
something go crunch in her abdomen. Her head thumped against
the hard pillows, and she spent a minute breathing heavily through
the painful throb in her gut. There were some red spots leaking
through the pristine white of her bandages. Probably ripped some
stitches. Crap, she would get into trouble in for that later for
sure, but it’s not like it was anything that they couldn’t patch
up. They would have to deal with it. If they were more transparent
with their policies and information she wouldn’t have to go to such
extreme measures anyway.
    Once she had the pain under control she set
to work on the tablet. She wasn’t a computers expert, but she’d
spent enough time out on the black market to have picked up a thing
or two from the less than scrupulous hackers out there. It took a
few minutes of noodling, but she broke out in a huge grin when the
mainframe opened to the tap of her fingertips. She was in. A quick
glance at her own chart confirmed that the nurse had been straight
with her about her diagnosis and what had happened in surgery. She
read a note about her wig being removed to check for head injuries,
which made sense. Truth be told, she was surprised they even
noticed it was a wig—the Grease Weasels took disguise seriously,
and they usually found some pretty quality costuming materials on
the black market. Perhaps it had actually been partially torn off
in the second crash. She made a mental note to look into doing some
more adhesives testing when she got back to the pits.
    She pursed her lips and continued tapping
away at the screen until she came to the file that she

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