Unbreak Me

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Book: Unbreak Me by Julieanne Lynch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julieanne Lynch
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
    Molly turned to face him. She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. Her warm smile mirrored his happiness. “You are most welcome,” he whispered. “Now come on, time to chill and soak up the sun.”
    Connor lifted Molly over his shoulder. She squealed, giggling as he marched across the sand, setting her down on a blanket that had been laid out especially for them.
    Connor wanted to make the right impression, and at that precise moment, he knew that Molly wasn’t the kind of woman to be bought, and he didn’t want that. There was more to her. She had an air of something about her that made him want to strip back the layers, healing any of the pain that still haunted her.
    “I could get used to this,” she whispered.
    “That could be arranged.”
    “Behave, you dork.” She hit him playfully. “But seriously, this is just heaven.” Cocking her head to the side, she looked over at Connor, who lay beside her, staring back at her. “Just don’t break my heart.”
    Molly ran her fingers over his cheek. Connor leaned in, kissing her softly. “I could say the same thing.”

Chapter Twelve
    Molly couldn’t believe it. There wasn’t another soul on the beach, just the two of them, the sun kissing their skin and the sound of the waves lapping as they walked along the shoreline, talking, hugging and falling for each other.
    Walking hand in hand, Molly and Connor were lost in deep conversation. A gentle breeze blew Molly’s hair as she talked a little about herself. “I like giving back to the community. It helps me sleep a little better at night.”
    “But aren’t you be afraid of being alone with…them?”
    “Them?” Molly asked, raising her eyebrows. Molly had a thing about getting on the defensive when people dared to look down their noses on the weak and vulnerable.
    “The homeless… Not that I mean anything bad by saying that.”
    Molly stood still and sighed. Looking up at Connor, she could see that he was genuinely interested. “They pose no risk to me,” she said. “I’ve never felt exposed when in their company. They are no different than you or me. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories. Businessmen, kids, military veterans—they all lost something and ended up alone, solely depending on the grace of man.” She turned her face away, gazing out at the endless sea. “I was in their shoes once.”
    Connor’s expression said it all. He was stunned by her revelation. Molly defended her job by highlighting her own experience—it was proof that no one should be judged.
    “Wow… I wouldn’t have guessed.” Connor shook his head.
    “But how would you?” she asked. “You really don’t know anything about me, or what I’ve been through. Only what I’ve allowed you to see.”
    “Molly, I’m not about to let you disappear from my life because of your past. Remember, it was you who saved me more than once… You’re too special.” Pulling her by the arm, he gently coaxed her against his chest, embracing her in his warm arms. “You can tell me anything and I’ll still be standing here, falling for you.”
    “Are you sure about that? Because my story is dark.”
    Connor kissed her on the head and brushed his nose against her forehead. Molly could feel him inhale deeply.
    “You have my word.”
    Connor swept the hair back from her face and held on to her cheeks as he bent, kissing her gently at first. Their lips moved lightly together as they breathed in each other’s souls. Hard, yet soft. Heated with raw passion. A moment in their lives, lost in a memory that would last forever. In that one moment, there would be no going back, and it made their newfound feelings grow into something they had never believed possible.
    They stood still, holding on to each other. There was an explosion of total peace and tranquility, which besieged them both. Their worlds had come crashing together in the most unlikely of circumstances, and though a week had passed, they had come to

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