Unbreak Me

Read Online Unbreak Me by Julieanne Lynch - Free Book Online

Book: Unbreak Me by Julieanne Lynch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julieanne Lynch
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
it,” she shouted to Regina, who peeped out from the kitchen.
    Pausing before she opened the door, she trembled as she inhaled deeply. You got this , she thought to herself as she reached for the handle and opened slowly.
    Connor’s face lit up when he saw her. “Hey.”
    “Hey there, yourself.”
    Moving out of the way, she let him in. As she closed the door, the familiar feeling of wanting to be lost in his arms scratched the surface, but she did well as she quashed the desire, replacing it with a more composed manner.
    “You look lovely,” Connor remarked as he stood with his hands in his pockets, looking more afraid than ever before.
    “Thank you. Not sure I scrub up as well as you, but this is me.”
    “Well, I think you’re beautiful,” he said as he gazed at her. “I figured a day at the beach would be a nice place to start.”
    Smiling, Molly looked at him, surprised. His gorgeous green eyes glistened as he watched her move over to where her purse sat “I’d really like that. It’s been a while.”
    “You ready?”
    “Sure… Should I make us up some food or something?”
    “Already taken care of.” He winked at her.
    As they were about to leave, Regina appeared, her dark eyes inspecting Connor.
    “Connor, this is Regina. She’s kinda like my surrogate mother,” Molly said. “Gina, this is Connor, my friend.”
    Regina walked down and shook his hand. “Good to meet you, Connor. Have you something nice planned today?”
    “A day at the beach,” he replied.
    “Molly sure loves the ocean,” she said, smiling. “Go have a wonderful time.”
    As they walked out of the door, Molly looked back, seeing Regina giving her the thumbs-up, winking at her. Giggling, Molly closed the door.
    Connor was already on course to woo her. Molly knew he was going to go all out for her, but never expected the things he had planned.

Chapter Eleven
    With a heart that refused to stop galloping, Connor opened the passenger side of his black BMW convertible and smiled as he waited for Molly to get comfortable. God, she smelled good. A light floral scent swept through him, enticing him, tempting him to break his own promise and kiss her hard. Shaking the thought out of his head, he closed the door and walked around to his side.
    “Nice car,” she said as he slipped behind the steering wheel.
    “I like nice things,” he replied then instantly regretted sounding so materialistic. “Sorry, I meant—”
    Molly laughed and touched the back of his hand. “You’re so silly. I knew what you meant.”
    Letting out a sigh of relief, Connor started the ignition and drove. Soft music played from the stereo as they traveled down the 101, passing Bair Island and Redwood City on the way.
    The conversation was flowing and their awkwardness had been replaced by a newfound confidence.
    “I was such a dork at school. I swear, my mother made me stand out like a sore thumb—and the braces didn’t help.”
    “And there was me thinking you were the school hottie.” Molly giggled.
    “Are you serious?” Connor laughed. “I was a complete moron. God, I was this awful little shit. I had this complex about entitlement.”
    Molly gave him a curious glare.
    “I kid you not. Until I was fifteen, I was a complete ass. I’m the baby of the family, so, in a way, I was ruined from a young age. It wasn’t until I started dating, moving away from the circle of friends I associated with, that I realized that there was no way I could go through life walking on people, expecting others to pick my shit up after me.”
    Connor wanted to be honest. But he didn’t want to ruin the day by bringing up too much of the past. Bad memories were bad omens.
    “So what changed? I mean, your family is a big deal, right?” Molly asked.
    “Yes, they are.” He sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a privileged upbringing, but that meant love, or the kind of love a parent showers their child with, was missing. Instead of a kiss or hug,

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