Unbearable Desire (Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) (Bear Valley Clan Book 1)

Read Online Unbearable Desire (Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) (Bear Valley Clan Book 1) by Serena Nox - Free Book Online

Book: Unbearable Desire (Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) (Bear Valley Clan Book 1) by Serena Nox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Nox
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line of kisses downward, I could feel his hot breath against my sensitive earlobe.  I gasped and clutched him more tightly, marveling at the rock hard feel of his muscles under my fingertips.  The power that radiated from his body had me just as breathless as the heat he drew from his kisses.  I was going to lose control. 
    "I thought," I gasped, "I thought you were going to take me on a hike?"
    "I will take you, anywhere you want to go," he answered, his ragged breath rasping in my ear.
    I heard the double meaning in his words and my core clutched at itself.  I wanted him to take me, there was no denying it.  And there was nothing stopping me except the deep anxious knowledge that this was wrong, so very wrong.  I had known him for one day; one horrible, heartbreaking day.  It was disrespectful to my mother's memory, to my grandmother's memory, to my sister's efforts. It was an affront to all of my family that I was behaving this way.  
    Through a sheer surge of willpower, I pulled myself away from his arms.  Instantly I felt cold and bereft, but I squared my shoulders, tamping down the hot desire that still thrummed through my veins. "Take me somewhere beautiful," I urged. "I want to see a view."
    He stepped back, disappointed.  Then he did that odd little head duck that so startled me yesterday.  "I know the place," he said, his head pointed down as his amber eyes looked up at me.
    "What is that?" I demanded.
    "What is what?"
    "That thing," I exploded, frustrated that I couldn't find a name for what he was doing.  "With your head, how you're looking down and looking at me at the same time."
    Kai's eyes widened, and he lifted his chin. "I do not know what you are talking about."  He seemed utterly offended. 
    I pressed my lips together, ready to drop it.  But my ragged, confused feelings for this man demanded to be reconciled.  "You look at me like that whenever I argue with you.  Why?"
    Kai opened his mouth. For one moment, the briefest span of time so quick I could have missed it if I blinked, the air vibrated around him.  There was a shimmer that wasn't there before, and his features swam together like an oil painting touched with turpentine.  I blinked rapidly, trying to put him back together again, but his face was swimming before me. And out of the indistinct muddle, a new form emerged.  Snapping amber eyes over an elongated nose, his mouth stretching wider and his teeth growing sharper.
    I screamed and suddenly the mirage was gone.  Kai clutched me by the shoulder as I stared at him, terrified.
    "Noelle," he cried.  "Are you hurt?"
    "What the fuck was that?"
    He looked away. "What did you see?"
    I stared at him.  He knew what had happened, but he was pretending not to.  Just like he was pretending not to know what I meant when I asked him about how he looked at me.
    I felt a strange feeling of mistrust bubble upward.  Though my body cried out in protest, I took a step back from him.  "Maybe I had better not go with you today," I said, forcing the words out of my unwilling mouth.  "Things are a little...weird for me right now."
    Kai made a rumbling noise, low in his throat.  It sounded like a deep, echoing bass note that I could feel in my toes.  "If you're trying to get me to stop feeling weird, that's not the way to go about it," I said warily, stepping back into the house.
    The noise stopped instantly and Kai whirled suddenly to stare me full in the face.  His amber eyes snapped angrily, and his lip curled up into a fearsome snarl.  "Noelle, I will go now," he growled, low and dangerous.  "I cannot make you understand until you are ready.  All I can promise you is that, if ever you need me, call on me and I will be at your side in an instant."
    And then he was gone, striding across the field and into the woods before I could even take a moment to gather my thoughts.
    I staggered back into the cabin and slowly collapsed to the floor.  Sadness and hurt competed with confusion and

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