Unbearable Desire (Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) (Bear Valley Clan Book 1)

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Book: Unbearable Desire (Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance) (Bear Valley Clan Book 1) by Serena Nox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Nox
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anger inside of me, my emotions swirling in a maddening muddle.  I felt his loss like I had lost a limb, but I couldn't understand why it was hurting so badly.  He was frightening and strange, but I wanted him to stay with me because I had never felt so safe with anyone.
    I reached out and caught the door with my fingertips, pushing it closed to block out the brilliant sunshine.  Then I crawled slowly across the floor to my mattress and sank heavily into it, pulling the covers over my head and curling into a tight ball.
    And then I wept. For my Gran, for my mother and for the loss of something precious that had ended before it even began.

    The tether that had held him to her also seemed to have held him together.  And when it snapped, Kai felt himself set adrift.
    He barely noticed where his heavy feet were carrying him.  All he knew was that there was something important that he needed to take care of, right now.
    The sun had moved across the valley and was sinking below the far peaks when he finally located the surveying party.  Mathe was loping along the riverside, with Faron following closely at his heels. Lorn ranged behind them by several hundred yards, with Dov bringing up the rear, his huge head hanging sullenly between his front legs. All around them were the charred remains of the burned forest.
    Kai's hackles raised and he bared his teeth.
    When Lorn caught Kai's scent on the wind, he lifted his head and sat back on his haunches, letting out a strong, sure roar that rolled across the valley like thunder. From across the waters, three black heads popped up from the shallows, and Keir and Lew came tumbling across the river with their mother close on their heels.  Everyone paused what they were doing to come attend to their alpha.
    But Kai was heading straight for Dov.
    He snapped the mental link open for all to hear his thoughts.  "This insolence will no longer stand," he thought to Dov, hitting him with the full weight of his anger and hurt.
    Dov sat back on his haunches and paused as he watched his alpha barrel closer.  The subordinate male seemed to be considering his options before he thought, loudly and for all to hear, "What offense am I accused of?"
    Kai thundered to a stop inches from Dov's snout, then pulled himself back and up on to his hind legs, drawing himself up to his full eight feet in height.  "I accuse you of insubordination and treason, and I banish you from this clan."
    The shock that rolled over him from the rest of the clan had no effect on his mounting anger. He raised his heavy paw. 
    Dov lowered his chin in the gesture of submission, and Kai felt some of his anger cool.  His rival would submit.
    And then the breath was knocked from his lungs as Dov lunged for him, his great paws wrapping tightly around his ribs as he flung him backwards and snapped his jaws inches from his throat.
    "Usurper, I will kill you here and take what is rightfully mine." The righteous anger of Dov's thoughts roared through the singular mind of the clan, and the treachery and treason heard in those words shocked them ever more than Kai's sudden banishment. Kai felt Faron's sudden urge to kill rising, as well as the loyalty of Keir and Lew as they barreled up the riverbank ready to fight for their alpha.
    "This is my fight!" he commanded them, and he swung his mighty paw through the air. It connected heavily with Dov's head, knocking the challenger to the side with a sickening crunch. Dov roared as hot blood poured from the open gash under his ear and he rolled over twice before finding his feet again.
    Kai flipped himself forward, feeling the pain shoot up from his ribs as he landed on his feet. Ignoring the angry stab of a broken rib, he charged forward just as Dov lifted himself up onto his hind legs.  The two great beasts slammed into each other with the sound of thunder. "Kai!" Faron bellowed.
    "Stay back!" Kai shouted as he clamped his jaws down on to Dov's throat.  But the

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