Two Nights in Vegas

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Book: Two Nights in Vegas by Olivia Gaines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Gaines
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    Olivia Gaines
    Davonshire House Publishing|

    Davonshire House Publishing
    PO Box 9716
    Augusta, GA 30916
    This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events are locales or persons, living or dead, are entirely a coincidence.
    © 2013 Olivia Gaines
    All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever.  For information address, Davonshire House Publishing, PO Box 9716, Augusta, GA 30916.
    Printed in the United States of America
    1  2   3   4   5   6   7   10    9   8
    First Davonshire House Publishing April 2013.

Also by Olivia Gaines
    Short Stories and Novelettes:
    The Bounty: Revenge Can Be a Bitch
    The Bounty: Lizzie’s Vengeance
    Two Nights in Vegas
    A Letter to My Mother
    The Perfect Man
    The Basement of Mr. McGee
    Novels in Production :
    Friends with Benefits
    Courting Guinevere
    Loving Words
    Vanity’s Pleasure


    For those who understand the importance of chemistry, but not stupid enough to use it for life decisions.


    To all the fans, friends and supporters of the dream.
    Write On!

    Chapter One
    T oday was one of those Monday’s that just would not die. It was eleven in the morning and thus far she had been in a car accident, had her car towed, was accused by a rude officer of being the reason for the accident and the little old lady that was the cause of the confusion, called her a bitch.  Back at the office, at 12:30, the office assistant had returned with the lunch order only to have everything confused, and of course the person with the peanut allergy received the order with the peanut sauce.
                  At one thirty, with eyes swollen shut, tongue enlarged to Herculean proportions, and sounding like she had mated with Sylvester the Cat, 27 year old Nadine felt her day could not get any worse. Well, at least she thought so until her moronic boyfriend of six months walked in, saw her face, and suggested they should see other people.  She was beyond caring.
                  Nadine rolled over to her side praying she could get through this day without a mental breakdown.  The Epinephrine slowed down the anaphylaxis but moments later, there was a biphasic reaction. She was itchy.  She was miserable and it felt as if her clothing was burning her body.
                  Without giving it much thought, she started removing the offending items of clothing until she stood there in her end of the month under wear.  She wore hot pink grannie panties, an ill-fitting bra and way too many hives.  The cutest dude she had ever seen walked into her room by accident only to see her condition, quickly leave and be replaced by an even more handsome man in a lab coat that said he was her doctor.
                  This day just could not get any worse.  Nadine’s face was now adorned with a snarl focused at cute Doctor Man. She took the second shot, crawled into the hospital bed and waited for the floor to open and swallow her whole. 
    Three hours later, covered in scratches and a bad attitude, she headed back to the office.  Nadine thought that the only thing that could be worse than pity from your coworkers is having pity from coworkers that are clearly beneath you. Doris from accounting with the open pores and pock marked skin, actually had the nerve to look at her and say, “Poor thing.”  
    Gerald from marketing popped his head into her office and politely informed her that even though her man had dumped her, he would be willing to take care

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