Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Read Online Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Alanea Alder - Free Book Online

Book: Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Tags: Romance
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nodded and peeked out shyly from behind Daniel.
    “Good work on that asshole.” Brice nodded to the twins and he too walked back to his office.
    “Come on squirt, we brought our Xbox from home. We’re going to beg Rhys to play, you can join us,”
    David offered.
    “I’ve never played before,” Peyton whispered.
    Daniel grabbed his chest as if faking a heart attack.
    “Say it ain’t so!”
    Peyton giggled.
    “David, get the Xbox, stat!” David ran to where their car was parked outside the bar. He reached into the
    back seat and pulled out a box holding the gaming console, controllers and wires and returned to where
    Daniel stood.
    “Peyton, this is an Xbox. It was created by god to ensure that men would not lose their minds from
    boredom,” Daniel began. Peyton’s eyes widened.
    “Like soap operas?”
    Daniel looked startled but rolled with it.
    “Sure, like soap operas. Let’s hook this baby up and we will indoctrinate you in the bloody warfare of
    Call of Duty .” Daniel grinned and all three turned to head into the bar.
    Rhys cleared his throat. His mate was kind enough to let the broken window slide, but he wasn’t about
    to let the twins play games while his mate cleaned up the mess.
    “David, Daniel, I know that you weren’t going to start playing games before you cleaned up the glass
    and helped Moe set the bar to rights.” Rhys crossed his arms and thumped his fingers across the muscles of
    his forearm.
    David and Daniel’s faces immediately turned to pouts.
    “Rhys, I can…” Moe started. Rhys shook his head.
    “Can we just hook up the Xbox first, for Peyton?” Daniel asked with puppy dog eyes.
    “No, because then that will turn into getting it hooked up to the internet, then getting his account set up.
    By that time Moe will have everything done. No. Help clean up first, then play.”
    The twins exhaled.
    “Yes, Rhys.” They sighed and trudged inside.
    “And don’t think for a second that you’re using my profile for Peyton to learn on, my stats are better
    than yours,” Rhys called after them.
    “Awww man!” The twins groaned. Rhys chuckled. He knew what they had been up to. Trying to let
    Peyton use his profile to lower his kill count? He didn’t think so.
    “Come on, let’s go take a nap while the boys clean up.” Moe yawned. Rhys tried to hold back a yawn
    and failed. He too was normally asleep this time of day. Both of them had sacrificed sleep to help Rebecca
    and his prince.
    “Sounds good.” Hand in hand they stepped past the wolf-dented door and headed upstairs.

    * * * *

    “I’ve never seen the twins so angry before.” Rhys kicked off his shoes and flung himself on the bed.
    “Never?” Moe asked, also toeing off his shoes and climbing onto the bed next to Rhys.
    “In the coven, they are like everyone’s little brothers, there was always someone bigger, stronger, faster
    or older to defend them. Since you’re my mate, you are considered a member of the coven. They view
    Peyton as your family so Peyton has become a coven member too. I think when David and Daniel saw
    Peyton being abused, suddenly they were the older brothers.” Rhys smiled. It was nice to know that they
    had learned how to be big brothers from him and the rest of the coven.
    “They didn’t do anything I wouldn’t have done. In fact it may have been a blessing they got to him first.
    I would have killed him.”
    Rhys laid a hand on his mate’s broad chest. He was growling and it rumbled under his fingers.
    “He’s gone now and can’t hurt us or try and influence the council anymore.” Rhys let out a relieved
    “Maybe now our lives can calm down.” Moe yawned. Rhys snuggled close to Moe’s warmth. Somehow
    he didn’t think that calm would ever be a word to describe their lives, not in Arkadia, anyway.

    * * * *

    Rhys dried a shot glass as he watched David and Daniel yell and bounce around Peyton. They had set
    up the Xbox on the largest sports TV in the bar. Moe had just

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