Twisted in Tulips

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Book: Twisted in Tulips by Nikki Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Duncan
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    Unable to argue with her body’s demands Misty obeyed. She flipped the lid up. The scent of the pizza rushed her. It had been made four ways: fully loaded, all meat, all veggie, cheese only. A plastic bag with an envelope inside was taped to the box lid.
    She pulled out a slice of pizza with everything on it and took a big bite. The cheese burned the roof of her mouth, but she was too hungry to care. Too hungry to take time to breathe in cool air in an attempt to soothe the burn.
    Jenny shook her head and reached for the bag. She pulled a letter from the envelope and began reading. “‘I wasn’t sure what you liked, but surely one of these will do the trick. You work too hard and ignore your personal needs.’”
    Jenny raised a brow and kept reading. “‘Hopefully the pizza will help and the enclosed gift will encourage you to take some time for you. And maybe they will make up for any trouble I caused with your mother this afternoon. I fear I didn’t make a good impression, but I believe I understand you a little better now. P.S. Your mother says if you don’t call her she’ll show up on your front porch.’”
    Jace. He’d sent her food.
    “This is so sweet.” Jenny purred as she pulled out another envelope and opened it. “Holy shit,” she squeaked.
    “What?” The question came out as a muffle. Misty had just stuffed a large chunk of crust into her mouth, polishing off the first slice.
    “A five-hundred-dollar gift certificate to Bonnie’s.” Jenny waved the paper in the air. “You aren’t dating anyone. Who would send you this?”
    She shrugged and reached for another slice. All meat this time. Her stomach was settling down, sighing with each bite.
    “Don’t mess up that certificate.” She could have a good time with that money at Bonnie’s, but why had Jace sent it? And how had he known her favorite pizza place and place to shop? Most men would have sent a bouquet of flowers to a woman if he thought he needed to apologize…but a five-hundred-dollar gift certificate? What had he said to her mother?
    “Come on, Misty.” Jenny read the certificate again and sighed. “I would love to get something like this. You know who it’s from.”
    “Play nice and maybe I’ll get you one for your birthday.”
    “Don’t tease like that. And don’t think I don’t realize you’re avoiding my question.”
    “Wouldn’t think you missed it for a second.” She took another bite. “But I’m not telling you who this is from.”
    “I bet it’s Jace from building security. He couldn’t take his eyes off you the last time he was in here. And the way he nearly growled when he pulled you into your office. Yum.” Jenny’s voice hit an octave somewhere in the stratosphere when she sang yum. Before waiting for an answer, she leaned over and took a long whiff. “Will you at least share a slice of pizza? It smells, and looks, divine.”
    “It is heavenly.” Misty didn’t acknowledge Jenny’s guess as she grabbed the certificate and set it on the desk when she was more tempted to shove it in her bra to hold it and the sentiment it carried close. She didn’t want to wrinkle it though.
    Had Jace really almost growled? Was he really so captivated he couldn’t take his eyes off her? The idea was thrilling.
    “I don’t care how your clients sing your praises. You’re a cruel woman, Misty Morgan.”
    “Fine.” She rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “If you’re going to pout, I guess you can have a slice.”
    Jenny wasted no time grabbing it. At least while she was eating she wasn’t questioning Misty about the gift giver.
    He was the last man she’d expect a grand gesture of any kind from. She certainly would never have expected him to do something like tracking down some of her favorite things to make a point. With one move he was pampering her and taking care of her. But who had he gotten the information from? Lori would have said something. Or would she?
    She hadn’t seen sweetness

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