Twin Stars 1: Ascension

Read Online Twin Stars 1: Ascension by Robyn Paterson - Free Book Online

Book: Twin Stars 1: Ascension by Robyn Paterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Paterson
    "Buddy, you don’t even need to ask."
    The AR window snapped shut, and Tysen looked over at the young Squire watching him with curiosity.
    “Lieutenant Tysen, what will happen next?”
    He shrugged. “Well Esther, with a little luck the pirates will just take what they came for and leave. We’ll need to keep an eye on them, but then it’s not like we can stop them.”
    “And you?”
    He was surprised, she seemed actually concerned.
    “I’ll be surrendering myself to Kip once we have things back up and running.”
    She looked at him quizzically. “Surrendering yourself? Why?”
    He gave an ironic smile, “Piracy. I just helped the raiders pluck this station dry.”
    “Was it not justified by the circumstances?”
    “I certainly intend to present it that way, and with a fair jury, and my record, I believe I will be exonerated.”
    “What if they are not fair? What will the penalty be?”
    “Esther,” he said with resignation. “The penalty for piracy…is death.”
    * * *
    “All cargo containers aboard, Bosslady.” Leederman reported. “Do we grab the ones on the haulers as well? I know for a fact that there’s good stuff on two or three of them.”
    Ping An looked at him across his console, her mouth smiled, her eyes didn’t.
    “Do I get to use you as a shield when the Cutter opens fire?”
    Leederman hesitated, and then squeaked. “No.”
    And that, was the end of that. Ping An turned and walked back to the middle of the ship’s bridge.
    “Make sure all the flights are docked and set course for the alpha jump point- we’re going home.”
    “Y’know,” Leederman commented. “You did pretty good for your first time. Volkstag’ll promote you for this for sure. You might even get to be a Squadron Leader next time. That’ll be great, eh?
    Ping An nodded and made a thoughtful noise.
    “Hey, what’s wrong?”
    “No. Nothing.” She shook her head and looked down at the tattered and scorched remains of her civilian wear. “Let me know if anything happens, Justin. I’m going below to change out of these stinking clothes. Make sure Leederman doesn’t do anything stupid.”
    “Yes ma’am.” Justin said with a grin.
    “Hey!” Leederman protested, and the rest of the bridge crew laughed.
    Walking past him towards the exit, Ping An suddenly paused and looked at the man at Ops. “Hey Leederman, tell me something- how long did it take for Volkstag to become the Clan Leader after he became a Captain?”
    “Oh, about fifteen years I heard.” Then he grinned at her with his yellow teeth. “Why? You think you can make a run for the leadership, now?”
    “No,” she shook her head. “Of course not. That would be stupid.”
    Turning, she walked from the bridge, leaving the motley band behind her.
    No , she thought again as the door closed. Nothing so small as a Clan Leader.
    I’ve got much bigger plans than that.

    2718, Day 153

    Log of Lieutenant Albert Tysen, formerly attached to the Star Guard Cutter Crystal Leaf, currently on disciplinary leave. Awaiting my trial for piracy, I have returned to my family home in Kiersgard on New Wellington. Admiral Veers arranged for my bail, and the military accepted, which heightens my hope that this whole matter will be dealt with quickly and fairly. The ship itself and her crew are docked in orbit, and the whole matter of the Miraposa Three Incident is under review. I am to testify in three days. Until then, it will be good to see Hariet again and mother as well.

    The rainstorm that had soaked the townships north of Kiersgard for much of the afternoon was just slowing to a soft, warm drizzle as Albert Tysen stepped from the commuter train platform. He paused to take a deep breath. One of the first things to surprise him when he’d gone out into the world (and beyond) had been how different the air smelled in each place he went. The plants, the ground, the people and the local industry all worked to shape the smell of a place.

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