Twin Alphas: Claimed (A BBW Werewolf Romance)

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Book: Twin Alphas: Claimed (A BBW Werewolf Romance) by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
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refrigerator to grab the eggs. “I like her. She’s all right. Shall we keep her?”
                  Holt smirked back at him. “I was planning on it, brother.”
                  It suddenly occurred to her that she’d heard them refer to her as “their mate”. What exactly did that entail? She needed to find out, and soon. It was a huge pain in the ass not being able to ask direct questions.
                  She quickly pulled out a bowl, measuring cup, and spoon from the drawers and cupboards, and set them on the kitchen counter.
                  “Sorry, I am totally forgetting my manners. How did you sleep?” Holt asked her.
                  She grinned at him. “Least amount of sleep I ever had. Best night I ever had.”
                  Holt broke into a smile brighter than the sun. “Well, that just made my morning.”
                  They all moved fast, falling into a natural rhythm as if they were a long time married – couple? Triple? What would one call such an arrangement?
    Clayton cracked eggs into the bowl and she dumped in pancake mix. Holt had already started the coffee, and now he was spraying a pan with non stick spray and turning on the grill.
                  They have non-stick spray, she marveled. It’s even the same brand that I use. She needed to pull out her camera and take a bunch of pictures today, she reminded herself.
                  “Our dads claimed our mom right here at this ceremony, twenty six years ago,” Holt said cheerfully, as she poured pancake batter onto the sizzling hot frying pan. “We were born nine months later. They didn’t waste any time. You know how it is. When it’s right, it’s right.”
                  “How many in your family?” she asked, as she deftly flipped pancakes.
                  “Ten kids, total,” Holt said. “Six of our brothers are married already. Of course, it’s easier for them to find mates, since they’re Beta, and they don’t have to go through all this claiming ceremony stuff.”
                  “Right. Naturally,” Amelia agreed, as if she had a clue what they were talking about.  A beta. Well, wolf packs had an Alpha and a Beta. So, with werewolf families, there were twin Alphas and then the rest were Betas, apparently. Were all Alphas twins? It seemed that way.
                  “You’ll meet them, of course,” Clayton added. “Right after this week’s over, I’m thinking.”
                  “I can’t wait,” she said brightly, because she couldn’t think of anything else to say. She felt a wave of gloom wash over her. If only all of this was real. If only she could really be mated to them forever.  A huge, happy family, with kids everywhere and not one but two incredibly handsome, loving men who were totally devoted to her…
                  “Here’s your coffee, drink fast,” Holt said, handing her a coffee cup. She forced a smile.
                  “You okay?” he asked, looking concerned.
                  “I’m totally fine. Just tired. Maybe I’ll nap later.”
                  They gulped down their pancakes and coffee, and rushed out the door. Amelia ran her fingers through her tangled hair. “Dear God, what I wouldn’t give for an invisibility spell right now,” she groaned.
                  “You’re the prettiest girl at the festival,” Holt said, his arm slung protectively around her shoulders.
                  “You have terrible eyesight. I like that about you,” Amelia said breathlessly, as they broke into a jog.
                  The opening ceremonies were held in a huge open field, with a round raised stage.  Speakers hung on tall poles, and Amelia noticed Mages standing by each pole. They must be there to ensure that the speakers were

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