Tweedledum and Tweedledee
look at me as they walked past me.
    "I heard he killed his wife." The voice behind me belonged to my dad. I turned and looked into his eyes.
    "He did what?"
    "The couple staying in the suite next to us told us he killed her this morning. They were fighting loudly and then he pulled a gun on her. Shot her right through the temple." My dad pointed at his own head to show me. I was appalled.
    "They say he probably killed his son as well. He's been missing since yesterday morning, as far as I was told. Mr. Colombo probably threw him overboard or something."
    "Wow. I…don't know what to say. I was with them last night because the wife was sick…I…They were fighting and he seemed to have a temper and everything, but this…I never suspected he would…I mean, it was his son?"
    My dad shrugged. "Guess the tabloids will have a lot to talk about the coming days, huh?"
    "I can't believe it. He seemed so upset that the son was missing."
    "He's probably just a great actor. They say he tried to tell the police that the wife committed suicide. He even placed the gun in her hand and everything. He probably thought everyone else had left the deck to go on trips, so no one would hear anything, since we're so far away from everyone else on this cruise, but the Swedish couple next to our suite were home. The wife didn't feel well and they decided to stay onboard. They called the police when they heard the shot. Personnel from the ship were all over him before he could escape."
    "But they never found the boy's body?" I asked, puzzled.
    "No. If he threw him overboard, it'll take a while before he resurfaces. The police consider the case to be almost closed. We'll be able to dock out as soon as they’ve secured all the evidence from the suite."

    April 2014
    I WAS SHOCKED, to put it mildly. My dad and I agreed to meet up in an hour to go for dinner. I walked back to my suite and locked the door behind me. Victor still had his nose in Christoffer's book and I wondered if he had even noticed that I was gone. Christoffer looked up and I smiled.
    "It's nothing. Just some technical issue they need to fix," I lied, so he wouldn’t be scared. I wasn't going to ruin his trip with this.
    Christoffer returned to his TV show. I sat down, feeling slightly fearful. I couldn't believe I had been so close to this guy. I had seen his anger in full display. I was just glad he hadn't pulled the gun while I had still been in the room. It was scary to know a man like that had been right down the hallway from us.
    "Is it okay Victor is reading your book?" I asked Christoffer.
    He nodded. "Yeah. It's really boring."
    "But you let him know if you need it, alright? Your teacher told you to read it on your trip."
    "I know," Christoffer said. He turned off the TV and walked to his room and closed the door.
    I went to the minibar and found a light beer. I opened it and drank.
    Suddenly, Victor lifted his eyes from the book and looked out the window. It had gotten dark outside.
    "She killed herself," he said.
    "What was that?" I asked.
    "That lady you saved. She killed herself. That's why we're not leaving."
    "No. You've got it wrong. Her husband shot her," I said. "I was just out there. The police arrested the husband."
    But Victor didn't listen to what I said.
    "She was upset because of her son," he said. "She felt guilty. She knew he was dead. She knew that he had died. So she wanted to die too. She couldn't bear to wait for someone to tell her she was right."
    "No, Victor. The husband killed her. He tried to make it look like a suicide. You've got it all wrong."
    "He didn't like guns. It was her gun," Victor mumbled.
    "So what? He could have shot her with her own gun," I said, feeling tired and not wanting to go on with this conversation. I was, quite frankly, a little freaked out.
    "No gunshot residue," Victor said, right before his eyes returned to the book.
    I didn't take much notice of what he said and turned on the TV. I grabbed another light beer

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