Tunnels 02, Deeper

Read Online Tunnels 02, Deeper by Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams - Free Book Online

Book: Tunnels 02, Deeper by Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams
    "No," Will said, immediately concerned.
    They raced back into the central chamber, paused to peer into its corners, then edged around so they could see the far end, past the flame, which once again was beginning to hiss loudly and stretch its wispy apex toward the roof.
    "There he is!" Will exclaimed in relief as he spotted the lone figure making its way determinedly into a distant corner. "Why does he never stay put?"
    "You know, I've only known your brother for... what... forty-eight hours, and I have to tell you I've already had enough of him," Chester complained, watching Will's reaction carefully to see if he was offended.
    But Will didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
    "Maybe we could tether him to something?" Chester smiled wryly.
    Will hesitated for a second. "Look, we'd better go after him. He must have found something... maybe another way out," he said, starting after his brother. Chester glanced sidelong into the chamber containing the massed ranks of bodies. "Good idea," he muttered and, giving an involuntary groan, took off after Will.
    They ran at a trot, giving the flame a wide berth as it peaked at its full height again and radiated its intense heat. They could just about see Cal as he left the farthermost reaches of the central chamber and passed under a large, roughly hewn archway. They followed him through this and found themselves on an area of ground the size of a soccer field, with a high canopy above it. Cal had his back to them and was clearly looking at something.
    "You can't keep running off by yourself," Will reprimanded him.
    "It's a river," Cal said, oblivious to his brother's irritation.
    Before them was a broad channel, the water sweeping quickly past and throwing up a fine, warm spray. They could feel it on their faces even from the bank.
    "Hey! Look there!" Cal directed Will and Chester.
    Jutting out over the water was a pier some sixty feet in length. It was constructed from rusting metal girders, which looked irregular and handmade. Although it didn't appear to be well built, the pier felt solid enough underfoot. They didn't hesitate to go to the very end, where a circular platform edged with a railing fashioned from odd pieces of metal was suspended.
    As their lights, which barely reached across to the opposite side of the river, picked out the white flecks of spume in the otherwise unbroken sheet of speeding black water, their minds played tricks on them and they felt as if they were racing along. Occasional splashes drenched them as the fast-flowing water dashed against the stanchions on the platform's underside.
    Cal leaned forward over the railing as he spoke.
    "Can't see the bank, or..." he began.
    "Careful," Will warned him. "Don't fall in."
    "...or anywhere to cross it," he finished.
    "No!" Chester immediately spoke out. "I, for one, am not putting a foot anywhere near that. The current looks really strong."
    Nobody disagreed, and the three of them stood there for a moment, welcoming the warm spray on their faces.
    Will shut his eyes and listened to the sound of the water. Behind his calm exterior, he was grappling with his emotions. A part of him said he should be insisting that they cross the river, even though they had no idea how deep it was or what lay on the other side, just to keep forging ahead.
    But what was the point? They had no idea where they were going, and there was nowhere they had to be. At this very moment he was deep in the earth's mantle, farther down than anyone from the surface had probably ever been, and why? Because of his father, who, for all he knew, was already dead. Difficult as it was for him, he had to consider the possibility that he might be wasting everyone's time chasing a ghost.
    Will felt a light breeze ruffle his hair and opened his eyes. He looked at his friend, Chester, and his brother, Cal, and saw their bright eyes gleaming in their grubby faces, entranced by the vision of the underground river before them. He hadn't ever seen either

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