Triumph of Chaos (Red Magic)

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Book: Triumph of Chaos (Red Magic) by Jen McConnel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen McConnel
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, YA), Witches
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and I stared at him for a minute before answering.
    “Right. We need balance, but we also need an uneven number. Right, Izzy?”
    She nodded. “Dr. Farren’s old Coven was made up of nine Witches. If we could get nine, that would be awesome.”
    “So we’d need two more. But of which color?” I looked at Izzy.
    “I’d say Yellow.”
    I nodded, forgetting my dad for a minute. “Then we’d have all the paths. But I don’t know any Yellows.”
    Dad interrupted. “Is this your grand plan to avoid going back to school?”
    His words triggered my memory, and I nodded. “I forgot! Yes, Dad, because the Coven would be kind of a school, too.”
    He frowned. “I don’t follow.”
    “We’d share our different magics with each other,” Izzy said, smiling. “Darlena and I have lots of ideas.”
    “And Dad,” I said slowly, “I know you want me to go back to school, but Justin’s patron said maybe I should teach what I know and learn from other Witches, just like Izzy is saying.” That wasn’t exactly what Baldur had said, but I didn’t feel like explaining the whole thing to my dad just then.
    He frowned. “I’m uncomfortable with the concept of a Coven. Why do you think you need to form a group like that, Lena? Look at what happened to them.” He pointed outside vaguely, but I knew he was talking about Dr. Farren and Lorna.
    “Witches are stronger together. That’s one of the things they know in Europe that we’ve seemed to forget over here. A Coven would give us a good chance to stand against Rochelle and the Red gods.”
    Dad smacked his hand on the table, and Izzy and I both jumped. “There it is. The root of all this. You need to get over your jealousy of your best friend and let it go.”
    I stared at him, dumbfounded. “She’s tried to kill me. Multiple times. But this isn’t about Rochelle.”
    Izzy shook her head. “Mr. Agara, the Red gods want to end the world. That’s what we’re trying to stop.”
    He frowned at her. “Forgive me, Izzy, but you’re a child. Both of you. You have no right meddling in the affairs of the gods. The worst things that have happened in the world lately have been caused by my daughter, not these gods.” He turned his gaze to me. “Are you sure you’re trying to fight against chaos? It seems like all you’ve done is cause it since you declared Red two years ago.”
    I stared at him, speechless. Red sparks shot up and down my arms, and Dad flinched. Before I could do anything, though, Izzy grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the table.
    “Come on, Lena. Let’s go for a walk.”
    As we left the kitchen, my rage exploded, and I found my voice again. I stopped and stared at my father. “If you aren’t with me, you’re on their side. Some Green Witch.” I stomped away before he could answer, Izzy rushing along in my wake.
    Once we were outside, I screamed, energy coursing through me. A ball of fire burst into the air above me, and Izzy calmly doused it with her magic.
    “What the hell is wrong with him?”
    She shrugged. “Lena, he’s upset. You’re his only daughter. Think about what’s happened in the last two years.”
    “It doesn’t matter. He should see that this is the only way to make a difference.”
    “What’s the only way?” Justin strolled up the driveway, his hands in his pockets. I glared at him, still fuming.
    “Where did you come from?” I snapped.
    “Lena, chill. I was coming over to see you guys.” He glanced at Izzy. “What happened?”
    “We told her dad about the Coven idea.”
    Justin frowned. “Want me to talk to him?”
    Although it should have thrilled me that Justin was willing to get into it with my dad for me, I felt incensed. “When did I say I needed to be rescued?”
    He held up his hands, surprised. “Calm down. I thought I was helping you.” He looked hurt, and I struggled to get a grip on my emotions.
    “You can help. You can be in the Coven.” Izzy smiled at him. “We need another White.”

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