“Have you seen the showers on this boat?” Jack asked.
“Sure, why do you think I asked you?”
“Maybe another time,” Jack said.
“I figured as much,” Dax replied.
“Baby steps,” Jack said. “Baby steps.”
“Okay, see you when I see you,” Dax said with a smile as he stooped down to pick up his shoes and then headed for the door. Midway he stopped, turned, took a leap, and landed right on top of Jack. “Do Dona and I need to pack our bags this morning or can we stay?” he asked.
Jack smiled. “I think we can give it another try, but we have to try and remember everything we said last night.”
Dax kissed Jack on the lips and said, “Deal. Oh, and good morning, Jack.” And just as quickly he was off of the bunk and out of the door.
Jack got up and sat on the edge of the bed and shook his head from side to side. Why do I feel so cheap all of a sudden?
He took a two-minute shower, slicked his blond hair back, and headed for the bridge.
“One minute to spare,” Jack said with a big smile as he stepped onto the bridge. “Damn, I’m good.”
Brad and Mac were in the captain’s seats, watching the sun making its way above the horizon. “You’re in a very chipper mood this morning, considering how you left here at two o’clock,” Brad said.
“Oh really, I hadn’t noticed,” Jack responded.
“How was your down time ?” Mac said as he used his fingers to make air quotes, never taking his eyes off of the horizon.
Jack used his fingers to make the same gesture when he said, “Oh, my down time was just fine, thank you.”
“Come on, Jack, spill it.”
“Spill what?” Jack asked with a slow, easy grin.
“Fine, keep it to yourself, but we’ll find out,” Mac said. “I don’t think Dax is as tight-lipped as you are.”
“Go for it,” Jack said. “Dax is his own man and doesn’t need me telling him what he can or cannot say.”
Mac slid out of the seat and grabbed Brad’s hand. “Let’s go, Doc.” Brad slid out of his seat as well and winked at Mac. “Let’s stop by the crew berth on the way to our cabin, just to check in with Dona,” he said. “And, Jack, I assume that since you and Dax made up, we’re staying?”
“We’re staying,” Jack said as he started whistling. “And go right ahead, Dona will probably be in her cabin, but I’m sure Dax will be there too, and that’s who you really want to talk to.”
“We’re counting on it,” Mac said as they both walked off the bridge, hand in hand.
W HEN Mac and Brad got to the crew berth, Dax and Dona were just doing the handoff, discussing some sonar images Dona had printed during her shift. Dax had just told her that he’d fixed everything with Dax and they were continuing the expedition.
They both looked up to the smiling faces of Mac and Brad.
“Okay, Mr. Powers,” Brad said. “Spill it.”
Dona smiled and said, “Yeah, Dax, spill it. We got most of the business out of the way, now do tell.”
Dax smiled. “Not much to tell, really. We talked for about an hour or so, then fell asleep.”
“Together?” Brad asked.
“Yes, together, but we did nothing but sleep, and we were fully clothed.”
“Are you kidding me?” Brad asked as he smiled at Dona.
“That’s it,” Dax said. “I told you there wasn’t much to tell. I need to take this real slow with Jack. I don’t want to push him away.”
“Good idea,” Mac said. “What’s your plan?”
“Well, I don’t really have one, but I think I’ll start with playing it a little cool. I feel certain that he’s the kind of guy that needs a challenge, so I’ll be close, but not too close. Be sweet, but not too sweet. Be flirtatious, but not too flirtatious. It’s important that he come to me if he truly wants this. I don’t want to be seen as the aggressor who tried to coax him over to the wild side.”
“Good point,” Mac said, and turned to Brad with a weary look on his face. “Now, can we get some
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