records, the whole fuckin’ nine yards.”
“Yes, sir.”
Cliff hung up. After nearly thirty years of police work, he’d learned how to build a file from the ground up. The two detectives on his force kept the criminal files, which did not interest Cliff much. Cliff had his own files on nearly everyone in Spencer County who was important, or who interested him in some way.
Cliff was vaguely aware that keeping secret files on private citizens was somehow illegal, but he was from the old school, and what he learned in that school was that promotions and job security were best accomplished through intimidation and blackmail.
Actually, he’d learned that long before he joined the force; his father and his father’s family were all successful bullies. And, to be truthful, the system hadn’t corrupted him; he had almost single-handedly corrupted the system. But he couldn’t have done it without the help of men who conveniently screwed up their personal and business lives—married men who had affairs, fathers whose sons got into trouble with the law, businessmen who needed a zoning variance or a tax abatement, politicians who needed to know something about their opponents, and so on. Cliff was always right there, sensing the signs of moral weakness, the little character flaws, the signals of financial and legal distress. Cliff was always there to help.
What the system lacked when he entered it was a broker, a central clearinghouse where a citizen could come to offer a favor for a favor, where a man could come to sell his soul.
From these humble beginnings, Cliff Baxter started keeping notes, which became files, which became gold.
Lately, however, a lot of people he didn’t like were getting too involved in the system. Schoolteachers, preachers, housewives, even farmers. Already there was one woman on the city council, Gail Porter, a retired college professor, a nosy bitch, and an ex-commie. She got elected by a fluke, the guy running against her, Bobby Cole, getting himself caught in the men’s room of the Toledo bus station. Cliff hadn’t paid any attention to her until it was too late, but now he had a file on her thick as a lamb chop, and she’d be out on her ass in November. Women like that didn’t appreciate the system, and Cliff knew if she stayed, there’d be more like her to follow.
The mayor was his cousin, the city council and county commissioners were men he knew, and every one of them had to run for election. But Cliff Baxter was appointed, and as far as he was concerned, he’d been appointed for life. The fact was, if he ever lost his job, he could think of about a hundred men and some women who’d go for his throat, so he had to hold on tight.
Cliff Baxter was not unaware that the world had changed and that the changes were coming across the borders of Spencer County and that they were dangerous to him. But he was pretty sure he could keep it all under control, especially since the county sheriff, Don Finney, was his mother’s cousin. Don had only two deputies to patrol the whole county, so he and Cliff had an understanding that the Spencerville police could leave the city limits whenever they wanted, just as Cliff was doing now. It gave Cliff a lot more latitude in dealing with people who lived outside of town, like the Porter woman and her husband, and like Mr. Keith Landry.
So he’d keep a lid on things for a few more years, then, with thirty years in and his kids out of college, he could skip across the border into Michigan, where he had a hunting lodge. Meantime, he had to eat his enemies even when he wasn’t hungry.
The part of him that was shark could smell blood in the water a mile away, but he smelled no blood on any of these new people, including Gail Porter. He’d shown her his file on her once, thinking he could get her in line, showed her all he knew about her left-wing activities at Antioch College, and some stuff about boyfriends that her husband wouldn’t appreciate. But
S. J. A. Turney
Cherie Bennett
Richard Yaxley
E.G. Foley
Philip Kerr
Håkan Nesser
Marina Martindale
Tom Holt
Claire LaZebnik
Mary Daheim