Treasure of Love

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Book: Treasure of Love by Scotty Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scotty Cade
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away from a challenge. But again, my issues had nothing to do with whether you and Dona were gay or straight.”
    “I believe you,” Dax said.
    “So, based on the two types of people you work with,” Jack asked, “where do I fit in?”
    Dax thought for a second. “You sort of fall into a new category.”
    “What category is that?” Jack asked.
    “Someone who doesn’t care about our sexuality, but is a bit of a control freak, whether he knows it or not, and doesn’t want anyone threatening his position.”
    Jack considered the answer. “Maybe you’re half right,” he said.
    “How so?” Dax asked.
    “Don’t confuse control with respect. I never once thought I knew more about your expedition than you did, I just know my boat, and I know her limits. And, for the record, I don’t want control, I want respect. In any other environment, I have no problem earning someone’s respect, but on my boat, I’m captain, no questions asked, end of story,” Jack said.
    “I get that now,” Dax admitted. “And I’m sorry I didn’t get it earlier. I’m just so used to captaining my own boat or dealing with assholes that I assumed you were just another one among the many. I was wrong.”
    “Thanks, Dax, that means a lot,” Jack said. “But I think we need to table this discussion for now and get some sleep. Our shift will be here before we know it.”
    Jack waited for Dax to get off the bed, but Dax had already decided that the time had come for one of those little nudges he knew he would have to give Jack until he started to get comfortable and relax around him.
    So instead he said, “You’re right,” and wiggled his way down in the bed and plopped his head on the pillow, all without letting go of Jack’s hand.
    “Oh,” Jack said with a surprised look.
    “You got a problem with me sleeping here?” Dax asked.
    “I guess not,” Jack said as he slid down on the bed to align his head with Dax’s.
    Dax reached over and placed a soft, gentle kiss on Jack’s lips. “Good night, Jack.”
    Shocked and almost speechless yet again, Jack mumbled, “Good night, Dax.”
    J ACK opened his eyes as the sun was slowly starting to peek through the little porthole above his bunk. He glanced at the clock just as the red LED number changed from five forty-one to five forty-two, and thought how oddly content he felt and didn’t want to move. Wow, I must have really been tired, I fell asleep fully clothed. It took him just a second to remember the events of the previous night and see the arm holding him at the waist. Oh, Jack, what have you done? He immediately realized it was Dax’s warm, lean body holding him snugly and providing that contentment he was experiencing. Dax’s breathing was slow and steady, and he was purring like a kitten, so Jack knew he was still asleep. He fought the urge to bolt and tried to work his way through the panic.
    This is okay, I’m okay. I’m still dressed, nothing happened. He calmed himself down, steadied his breathing, and lay still while he figured out what to do next. As he relaxed into the embrace of the man lying behind him, he realized it didn’t feel as odd as he thought it would. Then he got a little miffed at himself. What did it matter if something had happened? I’m a grown man, and if I want to sleep with another grown man, it’s my business. Dax started to move behind him, and he stiffened up, not knowing what to expect. Jack felt Dax bury his head in the crook of his neck and nibble on his neck lightly. A shiver ran up his spine, as the sensation felt strange but all too familiar somehow. He stretched his legs out completely, and Dax did the same. Through a stifled yawn, Dax whispered, “Hey.”
    “Hey,” Jack said back.
    “What time is it?”
    Jack looked at the clock again and said, “Five forty-eight.”
    “Great, just enough time for a quick shower,” Dax said. “Care to join me?”
    Jack nervously laughed as Dax jumped out of bed like a man with a

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