Touching the Past

Read Online Touching the Past by Ilene Kaye - Free Book Online

Book: Touching the Past by Ilene Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ilene Kaye
Tags: Suspense, Paranormal
miss them.”
    It had hurt, though. Knowing that her grandparents wanted nothing to do with her. Or her father. Bill Woods had been a wonderful man, and young as she’d been when her mother died, Mallory had known Ryuuko Otonoshi was deeply in love with her husband. It had to have been difficult for her mother to choose between her family and the man she loved.
    “Hey.” She looked up as Zac’s warm hand covered hers. “I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”
    “They’re not bad,” she assured him. “I was just remembering how much Mom and Dad loved one another.” She smiled. “When they were together, they couldn’t keep their hands off one another.” She flushed as she realized Zac was still holding her hand. She tugged it away, clearing her throat. “And they…they liked being with one another.” The way she liked being with Zac.
    “It sounds like a good marriage.”
    She lifted her gaze to meet Zac’s. “It was. I don’t think Dad ever recovered from her death. Oh, he kept himself going for my sake, but I think if it wasn’t for me, he would have been just as happy dying with her.”
    “You only have the one picture of her, don’t you? Was that because Bill—”
    “That was my fault.” Mallory played with the spoon beside her plate. “Dad put away all her things because he was afraid if I touched them I might…” She let the sentence trial off. She’d always felt guilty about that. That her father hadn’t been able to keep his beloved wife’s things close by. But she’d been afraid, too. Afraid of being swept away by the memories and emotions those objects held and of not being able to find her way back.
    She flipped the spoon over again, sighing. “I can’t control what or how much I feel or see when I touch something. We were both afraid—”
    “I’m sorry, Mallory.”
    Mallory looked up at the sound of Zac’s voice. There was something about it. A self-loathing quality. His face showed disgust. Her heart started to race. What was wrong? What had she said? Had Zac finally realized how odd she was?
    She licked her suddenly dry lips. “What? What is it?”
    Zac wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I didn’t realize. I didn’t know how—what it was like for you. Using your gift.” He rubbed his hand over his face and back into his hair. “ Dios! And I made you—”
    “Zac. Don’t.” This time it was Mallory who reached out to Zac, putting her hands on his. “It’s okay. Really. I didn’t mean—I’m glad you asked me to help. I am.”
    “Does it—” Zac looked into her eyes, his expression intent. “Does it hurt? You, I mean. When you…touch the past. Do you actually feel what they did? Or is it more like watching a movie? You’re caught up in it, but it isn’t your emotion.”
    Mallory hesitated. She didn’t want him to feel guilty. But how could she explain it? The easy, quick answer was “Yes, it hurts.” But there was more to it than that.
    It was too long. Zac closed his eyes and pulled away from her, falling back in the chair. “ Damn it! I’m so sorry, Mallory. I really didn’t understand what—” He broke off. His eyes opened. He pushed himself out of the chair. “Look. Forget about helping anymore. I’ll take it from here. You just…I’m…I’ll go.” He started to turn.
    Mallory was around the table, reaching for his arm. “No. Wait.” In her hurry, she stumbled.
    Zac caught her, his hands gripping her arms.
    Mallory’s heart seemed to stop, then start pounding double time as she looked into his eyes. He was hurting. For her.
    “I…” Zac cleared his throat. His hands dropped to his sides.
    She couldn’t let him leave. Not like this. Mallory put her hand on his arm. She could feel the tension in the muscles beneath the shirtsleeve. “Don’t. Let me explain.”
    “You don’t have to.” Zac snorted. “You don’t need to. I bullied you into—”
    Mallory put her hand over his mouth. “Will you just shut up a minute? I want to

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