Touch of Heaven

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Book: Touch of Heaven by Maureen Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Smith
“Tell you what. I, uh, know how to get in touch with Warrick while he’s in town. I could give him your brother’s résumé and ask him to forward it to the person in charge of the internship program. What better way to get a foot in the door than to go through the CEO himself?”
    Tina’s eyes widened excitedly. “Would you really do that for me, Raina?”
    That was the moment Raina should have backpedaled. She should have done the right thing and leveled with Tina. She should have looked her in the eye and said, “Never mind. I spoke too soon. Warrick and I have a complicated past, and as much as I’d love to help your brother out, I’d really rather not put myself in the position of having to ask Warrick for anything.”
    But instead of being honest, Raina shoved her foot—already in her mouth—farther down her throat. “Of course I would do that for you. And not just for you. I’m doing it for Alphonse, too.”
    Tina squealed. “Oh my God! Thank you, Raina! My brother is going to be so excited when I tell him. I’m going to call himduring my lunch break and tell him to e-mail his résumé to you right away.”
    â€œNow, I can’t promise anything,” Raina hastened to remind her. “Like I said before, I didn’t exactly greet Warrick with open arms when he was here yesterday. But I know him. Er, I mean, I’ve heard that he’s very committed to helping young people, especially those interested in engineering careers. I don’t think he’d refuse to pass along Alphonse’s name just to spite me for not wanting to sell my property to him. He doesn’t strike me as that type of person.”
    Tina beamed with pleasure. “Everything happens for a reason, Raina. That’s what my grandmother used to say, and she was right. Of all the places in Houston Warrick Mayne could have chosen for his new office building, he chose this location. You may not give him what he wants—and we won’t even go there again—but God put him in your path for a reason. If nothing else, my baby brother might get an internship, eventually even a job, out of this whole thing.”
    Raina smiled weakly. “You never know.”
    Tina glanced at her watch. “I’d better head out there. My client should be arriving soon.” As she stood and walked to the door, she said, “I can’t wait to call Alphonse. He won’t believe it. And wait till I tell that silly Nikki. She’s going to kick herself for not recognizing Warrick Mayne yesterday.”
    â€œActually,” Raina interjected, “could you hold off on telling Nikki or the others about Warrick’s visit? I wanted to let everyone know at our next staff meeting.”
    Tina frowned. “But that’s not till Friday. Are you sure you want to wait that long? They might hear it through the grapevine.”
    Raina pursed her lips. “Well, so far the media hasn’t reported on the story yet, so I’m hoping that means Warrick intends to keep his plans under wraps until the sale is finalized.” Which won’t be happening if I have anything to say about it. And I do!
    â€œI don’t want the others to start worrying unnecessarily,” Raina continued. “If I were entertaining the sales offer, that would be one thing. But I’m not. So I think the announcement can wait until Friday.”
    â€œOkay. You’re the boss.” Tina winked at her. “I’ll make sure no one is around when I call my brother about the internship.”
    â€œGreat. Thanks, Tina.”
    When the door had closed behind her, Raina let out a long, shuddering groan and dropped her head onto the desk. What on earth had she been thinking, volunteering to help Tina’s brother get an internship at Mayne Industries? Had she lost her natural mind? After the way she’d treated Warrick yesterday—tearing up his card and

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