To Mate an Assassin: The Lost Alphars Series, Book 1
bedposts. They were treating his mate as a threat, keeping her chained, the sight anathema to him.
    But Rhiannon was right. This woman, no matter who she was, was an unknown element who could pose a threat to the innocent children and families residing in The Mansion. Those people were under his protection and these cuffs would incapacitate her if she tried to harm anyone, including herself. They also prevented her from shifting, which was why Zach, the creator of the cuffs, liked to call them the collar. It was painful for a shifter to be so cut off from their animal, but until Kerrick knew more about this woman and her motivations, he had no choice but to collar her. She’d come intending harm, and he wouldn’t let her succeed in her goals.
    “She’ll wake soon, I’ll get Lottie to come back and check up on her.” Rhi paused by the door before exiting. “At least she can’t knee you in the balls anymore with the collar on.”
    “Harpy,” he called after her as the door clicked shut, appreciating her attempt to lift his spirits no matter the backwards manner she did it in.
    Kerrick let his gaze fall back to his mate. He took advantage of the moment of solitude with her and moved closer to the bed. She was the first woman to sleep in this bed during his reign as Alphar. Hell, the first to enter this room who didn’t work for him and wasn’t family. What did that say about Kerrick? That the first woman he wanted to spend any actual time with was his mate.
    Shifters were by nature sexual and tactile creatures, they needed touch and close proximity to others to maintain their sanity. It wasn’t unusual for him to seek out the company of a woman every now and then, but he’d never wanted more than one night with them before now. He’d always kept himself distant, even from women he genuinely liked and thought would be worth spending more time with, worth getting to know. But his status as a potential Alphar, and now as the Alphar himself, had always hung over his head. He didn’t want a mate, because to be the mate of an Alphar was to constantly be in danger. But he did want a mate, because to have a mate as an Alphar was to stave off the madness. But was that fair to this woman? Did he only want her because he was afraid he’d devolve into the psychotic man Riddan had become?
    But his side of the coin wasn’t the only to consider in a mating. Yes, he was the Alphar, but if Carter and this woman were to be believed, then apparently his mate was the Incendiary. And the Incendiary itself was a real thing.
    Kerrick gently laid his hand on her fingers as they rested palm up on the bed. He traced the creases and scrapes on her palm, enjoying the subtle scent of sweat and forest that clung to her. He was glad Rhiannon had used the larger collar on her so she could lie comfortably without any metal digging into her pale skin.
    “It’s not all bad here,” he said to the sleeping woman, hoping against hope she wasn’t an assassin sent by Mara or some other combative Alphar. Kerrick was too new to have made any enemies among the other Alphars, but there were always those with ambition to look out for. Kerrick’s territory was large and a major power within the Alphar circle. Now that it was no longer led by a crazy man, the North American Weres were once again gaining a solid standing as a world power.
    He sensed someone approaching the door with what smelled like a heaping plate of food. As the recognizable tread approached he stood quickly to open the door for her. Lottie, The Mansion’s head physician, had been in and out of the room since Kerrick had arrived with Cymbeline. He trusted no one else, except perhaps Zach, to examine and take care of his new houseguest.
    Lottie nodded in thanks, sticking her tongue out at him as she passed. The gesture was out of character for the usually thoughtful woman. When he gave her a puzzled look she said, “Rhiannon told me to do that to you.” Kerrick chuckled and moved

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