Read Online TKG08 WE WILL BUILD Rel 01 by Michael Anderle - Free Book Online

Book: TKG08 WE WILL BUILD Rel 01 by Michael Anderle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Anderle
bastards are playing with life as we know it.   Those pillow biting dumb-shits are going to put into place something that anyone can use to drop the world into the fucking toilet!”

    Bethany Anne stayed quiet as she fumed and thought on what ADAM had just told her.   “ADAM, what would be the best tactical method of neutralizing all of the payloads?”

    >>Provided the software does not run on a communication system where it will release its payload if it fails to receive a communication, then blocking the communications would be sufficient.   However, if the payloads require the ability to communicate and without success it starts the payload, then the computer systems would have to be found and systematically cleaned.   Potentially, it would have to be a surgical strike at all control programs within the targeted company simultaneously.   Should the targeted company have a control program residing on a laptop that either remotely calls in, or the employee comes into the workplace and plugs back in the beneficial effort would be wasted. <<

    “So, we are talking a complete beheading of the control systems and then cleanout of the payloads within the systems.”

    >>Yes – For each individual location.<<

    “Then, you would have to upgrade their security … Wait a minute.   If you did this like you and TOM did the Chinese, then we would set off all sorts of alarms.   Any way that we can do this without alarming everyone and setting off the result we are trying to protect everyone from?”


    “Bethany Anne, what about using a front?” TOM asked through the Pod’s speakers.

    “Like the security company?”

    “No, I’m thinking something like Anonymous.”

    Bethany Anne started laughing.   “Oh TOM, that’s priceless!”

    >>Why is attributing our efforts to an anonymous person priceless? <<

    “TOM’s talking about Anonymous the hacktivist group, not an anonymous person.   If you setup all of your work and act like an Anonymous hacker then the major power players are just going to believe that they are fighting other humans.   If you make a mistake somewhere, then the powers are going to believe it more and more.   Yeah, that makes sense.   You’re going to have to flub a bit.”


    You are going to have to make a few mistakes on purpose and not have everything you do seem more sophisticated than what most programmers can accomplish right now.

    >>I’m going to make mistakes … intentionally? <<


    >>I am having trouble computing the justification for making mistakes on purpose. <<

    “That’s because not everything humans do is logical.   We can be a very emotionally driven being.   Those emotions can cause us to do illogical actions.”

    Bethany Anne thought about how to help ADAM understand and came up empty.   Well, maybe another time.

    “I need you to start the process by implementing small ‘fix it’ jobs to test your efforts.   Study everything you can on the hacktivist group Anonymous and see what they do that might provide you with cover for your persona.   Run it by me first before you do anything, please.   I don’t need to deal with a ruined world while we fight something coming at us, too.”

    She exhaled loudly in the small cockpit.   What was usually a breathtaking view and a regenerative time to herself wasn’t working too well for her right now.  

    She smiled, what she needed was a fresh place to go.   “TOM.”


    “Let’s go see the moon.”

    The pod turned lazily, the view of space taking up the glass in front of her as the earth slid off to one side.   The moon came into view with just a slip of the earth still in the bottom left of the view.  

    It was beautiful, hanging there and bright enough for her to feel like it was ‘just a few miles away’.  

    “Ready?”   Asked TOM.

    She smiled, “Make it so, pilot!”

    The Pod shot forward, the earth disappeared off of the glass in just a moment as

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