'Til the End of Time

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Book: 'Til the End of Time by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
what he had to do. She probably would have done the same.
    “Trust me,” he repeated coaxingly. “You won’t be sorry, Alessandra.”
    Lord, she hoped not. Because she knew she
going to trust him. The decision brought such a lessening of tension it made her a little dizzy. She hesitated. “There’s a priest, Father John Dinot,” she said haltingly. “I was to see him today to make final—” She broke off to glare up at him fiercely. “If you betray me, I’ll come back and cut your heart out, Karpathan.”
    “You haven’t given me anything to betray yet,” he said dryly. “What are you up to with the good father?”
    “It’s for the children.” Her gaze moved to a point beyond his shoulder. “They’re the ones who are hurt the most by war. You and Naldona will tear the country apart for your damn principles. I’ve seen it happen before. And all that’s going to be left will be the hunger and the suffering. And the children. The children will survive. They always survive. But someone has to help them.”
    “And is that what you’re doing, Alessandra?” His fingers reached out to tenderly brush a tendril of hair from her temple.
    She nodded, still not looking at him. “James supplies the money. I find a distributor, such asFather Dinot, who has no allegiance to either side, and we channel food and medical supplies through a neutral network. In that way we bypass the government bureaucracies which have a tendency to pocket a hefty percentage of relief funds.”
    “I see.”
    There was a raw savagery in the tone that brought her gaze flying back to his face. She inhaled sharply. Hurt. Besides anger, there was hurt in the eyes looking into her own.
    “And I suppose you’re lumping me with the bureaucrats who would rob those children. My God, what kind of monster do you think I am?”
    “I didn’t know you. You and Naldona deal in power. Power changes people.”
    “Enough to turn me into a man who robs children?” His eyes were blazing fiercely. “I’m fighting this war as much for those children as for—” He stopped and drew a deep breath, struggling for control. She had struck him where he was most vulnerable. No one knew better than he how power corrupted. Naldona had become a ruthless dictator after his first sip of the heady vintage. Why should he blame Alessandra for thinking he might do the same if given the opportunity? “What do you want me to do? How can I help you?”
    Now there was weariness as well as hurt in his eyes. For some reason she couldn’t bear to think she had caused Karpathan to look so utterly world-weary. “I do trust you, Karpathan,” she whispered. “I know you wouldn’t hurt my children.”
    “Thank you.” The grimness disappeared from his expression as he smiled gently down at her. “I think you’ve given me one of your rare compliments. I don’t believe trust in your fellow mancomes easily for you, but I have an idea I still have a long way to go. It wouldn’t take more than a flicker of suspicion to have you threaten to cut my heart out again.” His hands were still pressing and releasing her diaphragm, though her breathing was now as steady as his own. She really should tell him to stop. But the movement was very … pleasant.
    “Now, let’s set a plan in motion to accomplish our objectives.” His brow wrinkled in thought. “I can’t risk security by bringing Father Dinot into camp to talk to you. Besides, it would be dangerous for him. The best thing would be to send a courier with your instructions. He can also bring a message back.” His gaze searched her face. “If you think you can entrust a confidential message to one of my men.”
    She nodded slowly. “I imagine you’re a good judge of character, Karpathan.” She grinned up at him. “And you’ve recently given me a demonstration of the treatment you mete out when someone displeases you. I doubt if your messenger would risk having your wrath turned in his

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