Tight Laced

Read Online Tight Laced by Roxy Soulé - Free Book Online

Book: Tight Laced by Roxy Soulé Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Soulé
Tags: Book I of the Dragon Duchess Series
squeezing it tightly at its base, her hand, as constricting as a vice.
    They pressed their lips together, their sex-covered tongues combining hungrily. He worked his fingers through her patch, against her swollen nub. His shaft thrust against her thigh, and her channel tightened before the sudden squirt of pleasure overtook her.
    She came as she felt his sac spasm, and a burst of hot liquid rode her hipbone, her thigh, the outer lips of her cunt.
    She wasn’t sure if she’d called out when she came, but if she had matched the sound inside her head the impish innkeeper must, at this point, be thinking that another heir would be presented nine months hence.

Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God .
    ~ Corinthians I, Ch. 6, vv. 9-10

    W AKING UP NEXT to a woman – a sham wife, no less – was something entirely foreign to Darlington. His dalliances were strictly about carnal release. Never had he invited a girl to lie on his arm after satisfying himself.
    He’d awoken before she. The early sunlight boldly splashing them despite the filthy window glass. When his eyes settled upon her sleeping face, he thought he might still be slumbering. Dreaming of angels and the great beyond. Her arched brows softly framing her closed eyes. Lashes curled up at the end like fronds.
    She lay on her side, her cheek over prayer-positioned hands. He longed to caress her face, but worried he might awaken – and thus scare – her.
    It did not surprise him that she failed to wake early, for they’d been up most of the night, their unquenchable rapture needing satisfaction again and again. His face heated at the memory of it all, and he chanced to peek below the blanket in order to confirm his member still existed and hadn’t been sucked off of his person.
    For a virgin, he could not believe how expertly she’d taken him. The carnal knowledge practiced only by the most accomplished courtesans.
    The thought of it stirred him yet again. His cock would now truly have a mind of its own. How was he to attend to the sober parts of his day? The disaster of the mine?
    And then he remembered his promise to Lady Bloomsbury, and his manhood retracted itself like a sword to its sheath.
    “Duke,” came a soft voice from the pillow benext to him.
    “My love?”
    “We must leave here in short order, yes?”
    “I wish it weren’t so.”
    She propped herself up on an elbow, her hair mussed, one of her breasts audaciously uncovered. “You mustn’t tarry over our exploration. Only know that you have left me fully satisfied. And, perhaps more importantly, intact.”
    Something about her easy dismissal annoyed him. How could their act be relegated to the scientific? “Exploration? Is that what we’re calling it?”
    She sat upright and took his face in her hands. “Delicious exploration. I will forever think of dragons differently.”
    He pushed her hands away, and vaulted out of the bed. “You are fortunate, Lacilia. You may go on and explore all you like, whilst I must return to my duties, and, in so-doing, marry a woman I will never love.”
    She sighed. “Ah, poor, pitiful Sarah Jane.”
    “I hardly would call her poor. Pitiful, perhaps.”
    “You will make a good husband, Darlington. And I shall be auntie to an assortment of little dukes and duchesses.”
    This inflamed him and he spun round. “I shudder at the thought of filling that half-wit with my heirs.”
    “Darlington! That is my sister you speak of!”
    He felt like a lout. Why had he uttered such a thing? His thoughts were all in a jumble. His heart, broken. He sat on the bed, his head in hand, and fretted, “If things were different, would you ever consider marriage? To me?”
    Her hand lighted upon his shoulder. “I do not see me marrying in the near future. When and if I do, it will indeed be for love. And

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