Three Words: A Novella Collection

Read Online Three Words: A Novella Collection by Lindy Dale - Free Book Online

Book: Three Words: A Novella Collection by Lindy Dale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindy Dale
Tags: humorous romance, Novella, funny romance, romance novella, romance boxset
Daisy knew she was a small town girl. A trip to the movies was a
big day out for her. And despite getting pregnant at seventeen,
she’d lived a sheltered life until Avery had gone off to high
school. Since then, she’d learnt all types of things she was
seriously convinced she didn’t need to know, thanks to her
daughter’s new life in the city. But did she want to take her life
this one step further? Or was she going to sit around like a sissy
and wonder for the rest of her life about the could-have-beens? She
had no idea where this thing with Henry was going ~ or if it was even a thing. A cute smile thrown in her direction and a
kiss on the cheek didn’t necessarily mean he liked her. It could
simply be that he was affectionate with his friends.
    “ Daisy?”
himself from the two little limpets that held him firm, Henry
turned back towards the car, where Daisy was still standing staring
at the pattern of wood on the ceiling.
    “ What’s wrong?” he asked.
    Daisy gave him
a weak smile. “Guess I’m a bit overwhelmed. This is so far out of
my comfort zone.”
    “ You don’t usually stay out this late?” Henry
    “ I don’t usually go out. Period. I’m more of a
    “ Funnily enough, I am too. I just don’t get to go there very
    Henry took her
hand. It was big and warm and it made her feel secure. Even the
tips of his fingers, hardened with calluses from years of playing
guitar, felt nice.
    “ Don’t worry. I won’t leave your side. And any time you want
to go home, say the word and Joseph’ll take you. Come
    “ But what about Georgia? Won’t she be upset?”
    A deep furrow
formed on Henry’s brow. She could see him trying to fathom out her
cryptic question. Then he began to laugh. “You didn’t think?
Georgia and me? After all the things we talked about last night,
you think I’m the big rock star who waltzes in and claims any girl
he wants? I’m wounded to the core.”
    He pounded his
heart with is fist, his face looking equally clownish and
    “ You haven’t answered the question.”
    Henry became
serious. “Georgia’s my personal assistant. End of story. My life’d
be shit without her telling me what to do and where to go, not that
I’d ever tell her that. It inflates her own self-importance out of
all proportion when she thinks she’s right and she can become a tad
difficult to live with.”
    “ I can imagine.”
    “ There’s never been anything between us other than a
professional relationship. I’m as single as they come.” His eyes
twinkled as he looked down at her. “Well, I have been for a while.
That could change, I suppose.”
    Daisy tingled.
She wanted to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him. Henry
was interested in her. As a woman. He wasn’t interested in having
as many girls as he could.
    “ But Georgia’s in love with you. Doesn’t that make things
    “ George’d like it to be something else, I know that. But I
told her a long time ago that friends are all we’d ever be. I
couldn’t be in a relationship with her. She’s the bossiest woman in
the world,” he grinned. “I’d end up killing her.”
    Daisy nodded.
She liked that Henry was being so honest.
    “ Now is there anything else we need to clear up before we go
inside, Your Majesty?” Henry asked.
    “ Don’t think so.”
    “ Good. ‘Cause it’s bloody cold out here.”
    Despite what
Daisy had expected from her initial exposure, the party wasn’t that
Rock ‘n’ Roll. When they got inside, Henry disappeared for twenty
minutes to take a shower and everyone else sat around chilling and
listening to music while Henry’s chef cooked them up a late night
barbecue. Out on the terrace, the twins had the stereo blaring and
were taking it in turns doing bombs into the pool followed by body
shots with a man Daisy assumed was Steve, but there was nobody
having crazy unprotected sex or taking drugs. There wasn’t

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