This Love's Not for Sale

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Book: This Love's Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Dominguez
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his man-code. He fingered her chin just before turning away, tilting her head back.
    “You really are beautiful,” he stated dreamily as he kissed the end of her nose, then her lips.
    The touch of Tucker’s mouth was a delicious sensation and she craved more, but h is eyebrows pulled together as if struggling with something and he gently pulled away from her.
    “And you really do have a fine ass,” she responded.
    “I’m well aware of that,” he said cockily, walking away from her. “Ciao, pet,” he waved from behind.
    Lilliana’s heart thudded in her chest to his term of e ndearment and the memory of his lips pressing against her bosom. She was beginning to think being Tucker’s pet might not be such a bad thing.  Tucker sped away, his back wheels spinning out and kicking up a whirlwind of dust and pebbles. A gust of wind blew past her and the wind chime tinkled tunefully, reminding her that Tucker McGrath had been there. She seated herself on the swing bench and other than the sound of the crickets chirping, only her breathing could be heard. It was serene and the smell of freshly cut grass was enlivening. It brought back fond memories of her childhood when she and her mother would visit Margo and how she would play in the fields under her mom’s watchful eyes. Lilliana hated the thought of having to give up the land that her Auntie had fought so hard to keep and that her ancestors had owned for a century. But the taxes … She dreaded the thought. There had to be another way. She prayed there would be another way.
    M orning came too quickly, and she barely had enough time to brush her teeth and hair. Lilliana almost rear-ended an expensive sports car in her mad dash to be on time. As soon as she made it into her office and past the front desk, she heard several giggles.
    “Nice going, Lilliana. Is that from Tucker McGrath ?” she heard from Dana.
    “What?” Lilliana asked, puzzled by her remark and the sudden interest in her private life.
    Dana motioned toward her neck but Lilliana couldn’t see what Dana was referring to. She made a beeline to the restroom and cranked her head to see a fresh, red bite mark on the nape of her neck. Lilliana gasped and tried to rub it as if it were going to magically disappear like chalk on a blackboard. It was tender and Lilliana winced. Fucking, Tucker! How the hell was she going to explain that?  Tucker’s statement came back to her and now she knew to what he was referring. She tried not to smile, but the country-boy grin plastered on his face when she mentioned her corn-shucking skills flashed in her mind. She began to giggle when Dana came into the restroom.
    “It was Tucker, wasn’ t it?”
    “How…” Lilliana started to ask.
    “Jordan saw him waiting on your car yesterday. OMG, Lilliana! Did you sleep with him?” she asked excitedly, gripping Lilliana’s shoulders.
    “Good Lord, Dana, I just met the man. No, I didn’t sleep with him.”
    “ So he was just marking his territory? Where else did he mark you?” she laughed, poking Lilliana’s butt.
    Lilliana rubbed her bottom thinking about Tucker ’s teeth sinking into her cheek and the smack on her bottom. Now that Dana mentioned it, the idea didn’t sound out of line with the way Tucker got all alpha male on her. Lilliana felt lucky he had simply bit and spanked her as opposed to pissing down her leg.
    “He just got a little playful,” Lilliana rebutted. “Now, se riously, I don’t want to talk about this.”
    When lunchtime arrived, Dana came barreling into Lilliana’s small office.
    Dana wiggled her eyebrows up and down, “Tucker is here! He’s asking for you, and he has something, too.”
    Lilliana tried to hide her excitement, but it was almost impossible. She had been thinking about him off and on all day, and about that kiss. It had been difficult trying to focus on cleanings and cavities when all that kept popping into her mind was Tucker’s suggestive remarks, his low growly voice

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