This Love's Not for Sale

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Book: This Love's Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Dominguez
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handed her the tank top he had damn near ripped to shreds.  She tried to put it on gracefully while Tucker seated himself and continued to gawk at her. His intense gaze was maddening. Was he going to blink or just continue to stare bug-eyed at her? Lilliana blinked her eyes rapidly in a sympathetic response to his lack of doing so.
    Moving to the des sert, she began to slice into it, thankful for the distance between them when Tucker was upon her again, guiding her hand while she cut into the apple crisp.  His movements were slow and deliberate, his mouth so close to her neck it was only hairbreadths away from her soft flesh. Lilliana couldn’t take his tortuous teasing anymore.
    “I want you, Lilly, and I don’t like waiting. It will serve you well not to forget that,” he said sternly.
    “I don’t think I could forget it if I tried.”
    “I’m glad to hear that,” he said w ith a smile that resonated through his manly voice.
    Seated at the table, Lilliana kept her eyes fixated on Tucker’s mouth while he ate. It had only been on her body moments ago, her under-used nipples to be exact, and she wished she hadn’t told him to stop. She wanted more too, but she feared the kind of intimacy that he sought from her. She didn’t yet fully trust him, but it had been a long nineteen lonely months since she had a man’s hands on her body or throbbing cock between her legs.  She enjoyed watching Tucker devour her desert as if he hadn’t had a home-cooked meal in ages while she thought of all the ways she wanted him to take her.
    “This is excellent, Lilliana. Really, it’s just amazing. I haven’t had home-cooking in a very long time,” he said, answering her unspoken question. “So you can cook. What else can you do with those hands?” he winked suggestively.
    “I can shuck corn faster than anyone I know,” she replied, immediately wanting to retract her lame admission when Tucker burst out laughing.
    “Fuck! T hat’s a riot! You are a red-neck!” he bellowed.
    She stood and swiftly flicked the back of his neck . “Who’s the red-neck now?” she pouted, grabbing his unfinished plate along with hers and taking them to the dishwasher.
    “Hey, I’m not done with that!”
    “Yes, you are.”
    “Oh, boo-hoo. I’m a red-neck, too. I just hide it better. Now give that delightful sustenance back to me, now, ” Tucker emphasized with a silly smirk on his face.
    As Lilliana placed it back in front of him, Tucker reached around and smacked her ass harshly, the loud slap echoing in the large kitchen. Lilliana dropped the plate down onto the table and looked aghast. She rubbed her bottom and a stupid grin spread over her face and her panties dampened. Tucker paid no attention to her and inhaled the last few bites and then licked his index finger as he slid it around on the plate to get every last crumb. An image of Tucker licking his fingers post foreplay popped into her mind, and she blushed at her sinful thoughts.
    “Fucking, delicious,” he mumbled.
    Oh, she had something delicious and juicy for him right between her legs. Still stunned that Tucker had actually spanked her, she inwardly rolled her eyes at herself. Get a grip, Lil , she reprimanded herself.  Her horniness was starting to cloud her judgment and she damned well knew it.
    Watching Tucker practically lick the plate, she found it cliché, but she had learned early on that the way to a man’s heart really was through his stomach; that and his pants. When she looked at the clock on the microwave, she was horrified to see it was almost midnight. She had to be up in five short hours.
    “Yes, I know, i t’s late. I’ll see myself out,” Tucker declared, standing and heading toward the entrance.
    As he opened the door, Lilliana moved next to him and held the door open for him. He eyed her neck and grinned devilishly. “Have fun trying to explain that.”
    Lilliana had no idea what he was talking about and she was too tired to try and figure out

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