Third Chance
your home, I’m sure, but I don’t know if that would be for the best. I mean, I don’t know if encouraging her to remain indoors is the best move at this point. Have you been able to get her outside at all?”
    “No. She gets really stressed out when I mention it, so I’ve been letting it slide. With all that’s going on with her right now, I don’t want to add any more pressure to her life.”
    “Speaking of freaking out, how are you holding up?”
    The genuine warmth in her voice warmed Ryan and he smiled to himself. Moira loved Emma unconditionally and since Emma loved Ryan, Moira had opened up to him and welcomed into her extended family. She was a complex woman who he hadn’t quite figured out yet, but he did know that she was always thinking of others before herself, always looking for ways to help those she cared about. It was probably one of the reasons she made such a good Mistress.
    “I’m hanging in there. Got a lot going on with work, but Justan is a huge help.”
    “Justan,” she practically hissed. “That man is a menace.”
    He laughed, then sat back in his chair and kicked his feet up on the desk. Moira and Justan sniped at each other constantly, but Ryan had a feeling that was because they really liked each other and had no idea how to handle it. In a way, their fighting was almost like flirting, but Ryan was smart enough not to say that out loud to Moira. Last thing he needed was Moira turning her fiery redhead temper on him.
    “He is, but he’s also a really good investigator.”
    “Has he found anything?”
    “No, and it’s frustrating as fuck.”
    “Well, if there is something to find, his nosy ass will dig it up.” The disgruntled tone in her voice made him wonder what Justan had done to irritate her, but before he could ask, she continued. “Do you think Emma will try to bail on my birthday party?”
    Normally, he’d say no. Emma had shared some stories about the debauchery that went on at Moira’s house during her birthday, and he’d already been to a party there, but now he wasn’t so sure. “She might.”
    “Oh no, that bitch is not bailing on me.” She sighed. “Problem with Emma is, you need to use a carrot.”
    “Pardon me?”
    “You know, to get a stubborn mule to move do you use the carrot or the stick. With Emma, you have to persuade her, bribe her even. I need to think of something she wouldn’t be able to resist, the perfect carrot.”
    Dirty thoughts spun through Ryan’s mind and he tried to will his semi-hard cock from becoming a full-on erection. “Well if you think of something, let me know. I’ll do anything to get her out of the house.”
    Moira’s tone changed, a new sultry note that reminded him she was a powerful Mistress in her own right, and seemed to delight in teasing him. Damn woman could make him blush and both she and Emma thought it was hilarious. “Anything?”
    “Within reason.”
    “Hmmmm,” she purred, and his spine tingled in warning.
    “And Emma must approve of it.”
    “Oh, she’ll approve of what I have in mind.”
    That warning filled his body again. “What are you thinking, Moira?”
    “Don’t worry, overprotective alpha male. I know Emma, and I know what she loves.” Moira’s voice gentled and Ryan relaxed back into his chair, not realizing that at some point he’d sat straight up with his muscles tensed. “Besides, I would never do anything to endanger your relationship with her. She loves you, big boy, through and through. I’ve been waiting for a long time for my girl to find a man worthy of her devotion, and I’m more happy than you could possibly know that you managed to get through those big-ass walls she built around her heart, even if you did take away one of my best Dominatrixes. We miss her at Kiss of Blue.”
    There was no way in hell Emma was ever going back to work there, but he was more worried about what Moira had in mind to get Emma out of the house. “What are you planning?”
    Her laugh did

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