Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1)

Read Online Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt - Free Book Online

Book: Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Glatt
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traveled further from the castle and the shops became smaller and closer together, she started to believe she really was free. She stepped over a drunk who’d either fallen or been tossed into the street the night before. A cart owner was trying to dislodge him but he simply waved his hand and muttered as he lay face down on the dirty cobbles.
    Despite the increasing grime in the Quarter Brenna’s shoulders loosened and her hands unclenched as she walked the familiar streets. Now that she was back in her own territory she felt in control. A few blocks from the Dog and she finally stopped worrying about the Guard.
    She followed Eryl through the rough wooden door, past the dingy tavern room and up the stairs. Once inside Eryl’s room she collapsed on the bed with a huge sigh. She looked up when he held out a parchment to her. She quickly opened it and read the few lines. Her heart sped up and her eyes widened. So much!
    “Keep it, it’s yours,” he said.
    Brenna took the parchment – her bond – and flattened it before she tucked it into her vest, next to her pounding heart. Two hundred gold crowns! How could she ever repay that?
    “By the gods Eryl, I’m sorry. I have some coin set aside but the rest I’ll have to pay off over time. Were you able to barter?” She couldn’t remember a higher bond price being paid. And if he’d bartered them down? Brenna felt fear clutch her guts. How much was that cursed knife worth anyway?
    “You don’t owe me nothin’ Brenna,” Eryl said. “Weren’t my crowns that bought you out. It was the noble who made the original contract. He came by late last night saying how his patron felt responsible. Before I could say anything he ups and gives me a purse with the full amount of your bond - I can’t say how he knew the exact amount - and tells me to go get you at dawn and not to barter. I have to tell you,” he shot her a wry grin. “That’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m sure I could’ve talked them down forty or fifty crowns. I hate leaving coin on the table like that.”
    Brenna’s stomach unclenched a little, but her fear didn’t disappear completely. She didn’t like being important enough for someone to pay two hundred crowns for and she didn’t like feeling obligated to someone she didn’t even know. Was this more meddling by the Brotherhood?
    “It doesn’t make sense. Why would someone pay two hundred gold crowns to get me out of jail? They were only paying thirty crowns for the knife - and now they don’t even have that. Did they tell you why?”
    “The noble, Arlott he calls himself, implied that the circumstances had brought his patron more benefits than expected. My guess is they uncovered some information they don’t want no one else to know. If they make sure you aren’t indentured then whatever they found is more secure. You got any idea what that might be?” 
    Brenna kept her face as still as possible even as she remembered the glowing sword.
    “Who is this patron?” she asked.
    “I’ve only dealt with his man Arlott,” Eryl said. “I’ve not heard bad about him, but not much is known in the Quarter. And nothing about his patron, if he exists at all. Don’t seem like trouble, though.”
    “Except he paid two hundred crowns to give me back my bond.” Brenna looked at Eryl but he simply shrugged.
    She needed to find out more on her own. She needed to get home, where she felt safe, to think about it. Did this mysterious patron know what had happened when she held the knife and the sword? Only the two Kingsguard had seen that - and the priest. Brothers! The last thing she needed was the church after her. They had a nasty reputation of getting what they wanted and an even nastier one of leaving dead nonbelievers around. And what about what Kane, the Captain of the Kingsguard had said to her? What was this Brotherhood and why would she be under its protection?
    Abruptly she rose and headed for the door. “I have to go Eryl.

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