Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1)

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Book: Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Glatt
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knife than any threat Brenna posed.
    “Of course not,” Valden said. “I’m simply saying that victims should be allowed compensation directly from the person responsible for injuries or losses suffered. Perhaps a few years being indentured to the wronged party would help these criminals reform. We ought to change the law to reflect that.”  Valden smiled smugly at the king.
    Kane withheld a sigh of annoyance. The current system was set up precisely to stop that from happening. Indentured servants had it hard enough as it was. It would be many times worse if they were forced to serve those they’d tried to cheat and steal from. And the chance for vengeance could prove too great a temptation for some of the victims. Kane had no wish to push angry or scared citizens that far. Murder was punishable by death, even the murder of someone who’d stolen from you.
    “That is of course entirely up to the King and his council.” Kane bowed to King Mattias. “As Your Majesty has already agreed.”
    “Yes, that’s correct.” King Mattias sighed and tiredly leaned forward. “High Bishop, please work with my seneschal to set up a meeting of the council to deal with this issue. Captain, I’m sure you have other duties to attend to.” Mattias looked at each of them. Valden opened his mouth to protest but instead rose and bowed to the king.
    Kane also bowed and gratefully left the council chamber. He could almost feel the waves of malevolence coming from the High Bishop as he followed him out of the council chamber. How was he going to stop Valden from twisting the laws to suit his own purposes? Kane already had unsettling reports from Comack that the process of indenturing was being used to permanently enslave the common folk, rather than as a punishment with a specific duration. He would not allow that to happen in Kingsreach. 
    Once clear of the king’s formal chambers Kane headed directly to the lower part of the castle in search of Dasid. The older man was seated at the desk in what was officially Kane’s office. As the Kingsguards second-in-command most of the daily tasks of managing the guard fell on Dasid’s shoulders. As well, as the king’s illness worsened, Kane found himself spending more time in the council chambers. As a result he was more accustomed to sitting in the chair facing the desk, so he sat there.
    “It seems we got our girl out just in time,” Kane said. He dragged a hand across his tired eyes and slumped lower in the chair. He’d have to get some rest, and soon. He couldn’t afford to let his exhaustion cause him to miss something critical.
    Dasid looked up with a start, his green eyes worried. “Is there a danger?”
    “The High Bishop believes crimes against his priests must be considered crimes against the church and as such require more severe punishments. That would include indenturing the criminal to the church.” Kane frowned as he spoke. “But I’m not sure that’s all of it - we still have no idea why the old steel knife was being delivered to him.” Kane kept his voice low. “Has my uncle been able to come up with anything more on that?”
    “No, although he tells me he still has some ideas on how to find out more.” Dasid set aside the sheet of paper he had been working on. “I’ve put the word out to the Brotherhood about the Caller. I’ll need a little more time to work out the details and get the coverage balanced right, but until then there’ll be more Brotherhood watchers than thieves in the Quarter. I should have something more permanent to discuss with you later.”
    “Good.” Kane nodded thoughtfully. “I think in light of the church’s position I’ll check on Brenna as soon as possible. If I think she’s in danger I’ll contact her.” Kane stood to leave. “I’ll be in the city for the rest of the day. Why don’t we meet at my uncle’s for dinner and we can discuss anything else?”
    “Of course, Captain.” Dasid smiled. “Shall I inform your

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