They Were Born Upon Ashes
gave a slight smile, and then scratched his head.
    “Right,” said Nick. “It began from darkness. Next thing I knew I was in a hall. I walked down the hall and it lead to the king’s room. I walked up to the golden throne and I noticed that there was a door handle on it. I opened the throne and stepped through. On the other side of that door was a long path with thousands of trees on either side of it. After a while of walking the trees started to attack me. I tried to defend myself but my attacks were not doing any damage. I felt something inside of me and next thing I knew I was launching black waves from my hands. The deadly trees stood no chance. The power the attack had stopped them in their tracks.”
    “Power number one,” said Andrew.
    “After a little while the trees stopped attacking me. I was able to walk further down the path. As I walked, the path curved and at the end of the curve there was a large boulder that blocked the path and it extended outwards into the trees. I figured it would be easy to simply climb over the boulder and continue on the path. As I climbed it was as if every move I made to ascend upwards, the boulder itself grew twenty feet higher. Before I knew it I was dangling hundreds of feet above the ground. Next, rocks came pummeling down towards me. As the rocks fell they morphed and gained sharp knife like edges all around it. They hit me and they hurt like you wouldn’t believe. Next thing I knew I had my palm out and something surging through me that allowed me to control the rocks. They stopped in midair and I could throw them in any direction I wanted.”
    “Power number two,” said Andrew.
    “I finally made it to the top of the boulder, which was now a mountain, and there was a giant barren plateau. In the near distance I saw statues. I walked towards them. They were huge; they had to have been twenty or thirty feet tall. There were a dozen statues all together. I walked down the path between the statues and saw a fountain. I was thirsty so I drank from it. It immediately started to rain. I walked back towards the statues and I watched as the rain fell on them and color started to emerge from their grey exterior. Next thing I knew they were alive and I was dodging the swords and arrows from a dozen giants. I ran and I ran some more. Nothing I was doing had any effect on those things because they were incredibly massive. I was faster than them, which gave me time. In that time I discovered how to conjure fire from beneath the earth and have it expel with devastating speed and make it go as high in the sky as the giants themselves stood.”
    “And the third and final power,” said Andrew.
    “You really know how to tell a story, Nick,” said Tyler. “Bravo, bravo. You truly captivated me. I got lost in your words; I almost felt as if I was there with you.”
    “I’m glad you passed your tests with flying colors, Nick,” said Andrew.
    “There was one final test actually,” said Nick.
    There was a brief silence. Everyone in the group looked around curiously and finally all looked at Andrew for an answer.
    “Interesting,” said Andrew. “Please explain. What was the final test?”
    “Well, after I defeated all of the trolls, the rain concluded. The ground at my feet started to shake as if there was an earthquake. I turned around and in the near distance a black tower emerged from the ground. I walked over and went in. As I walked up the spiral staircase there was a thin layer of ice that soon covered everything from the stairs to the ceiling over head. At the end of the stairs there was a bright blue door. I opened it and there was a room covered in ice with a domed roof some thirty feet overhead. There was a balcony midway up the walls of the room. On it was the woman I love with Poloski, a member of the six, holding his blade to her throat. I was helpless there was no stairs that led to the balcony.”
    “You recognized the woman you love?” asked Andrew.
    “Yes, I

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