They Were Born Upon Ashes
head. He turned around and looked at the crowd at the other end of the courtyard.
    “People of Genold City!” said the Reza king’s man. “The words I wrote in this man’s blood says ‘Old World!’ Let this be a lesson to all of you! If you defy the laws that have been in place for centuries, you, too, shall suffer the same fate! Your friends, your parents, your brothers, your sisters, and your children will end up like this! You have been warned; the old world will rise again!”
    There was a rustling of men and women conversing amongst the crowd. Within seconds twenty brave men and women came running out of the crowd with their weapons ready.
    Penny looked through the crack just a few seconds longer. She could not bear the sight of more death. She closed her eyes and all she could hear were the screams, the clashing of swords, the crackling of fire, and the sound of frost attaching to metal armor.
    Hearing the sounds of death was just as displeasing to her. It was truly sickening.
    She tried to cover her ears to no avail. The loud sounds pierced straight through her hands. The fighting seemed to go on longer than she had anticipated.
    When she found the courage to look back through the crack she saw something she was not entirely expecting. The two king’s men were nowhere in sight. Rather, the civilians were in the courtyard having a massive battle on their own. It was savagery that she did not quite expect from the civilians. The new world with its new rules provoked violence and chaos.
    After awhile the fighting stopped. The courtyard grew quiet and the moon rose high in the night sky. It was too dark for her to see much of the carnage and destruction brought about in the courtyard. She elected to stay where she was in the side of the wall until morning.
    It was a long night for her. She did not get an ounce of sleep. All she did was stare at the wooden planks above her and flick the tiny insects off of her body.
    Finally the morning sun came out. The sky was still dark blue in color with shades of red and orange. She felt safe enough to crawl out from her space and go back into town. She knew she had to buy a horse and food for the trip ahead. She could catch up to the group in no time with a well rounded horse.
    She thought that a few king’s men had stayed back and decided to live in the new world and that Nick had traveled north with the rest of them. What the king’s men did sickened her. She was eternally grateful for what the old man did to protect her. She felt unworthy. She felt as though her life was not worth dying for. That’s what the old man did for her; he died so that she could live to see another day. It was a terribly strange feeling. As she lay down on the dirt she felt numb. The entire experience was horrifying and depressing.
    She eventually found the willpower to crawl out of the space. As she stood up, she encountered a slew of dead bodies. Looking at the face of a dead person made her want to vomit. At the same time she got chills that crept up her spine.
    She made her way to the market to buy food with the gold she had brought from home. Luckily, she had plenty of gold from years of saving up. She estimated that she could even buy two horses if she really wanted to.
    After the market she made her way to the south gate of Genold City. Down the windy sand roads and numerous buildings she spotted horrible things. She saw dead bodies laying in allies. She saw women bruised, scrambling for scraps of food on the ground. Finally, she saw wealthy looking men walking groups of men wearing nothing but a small white towel covering their manhood. They were all chained together from their wrists to their ankles. They looked down at the sand on which they walked. They were all abhorrent things to witness. She felt sick to her stomach.
    She finally made her way out of the towering gate of Genold City and walked out into the rocky area that had patches of long brown grass. She made her way up a hill

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