There's Snow Escape: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 7)

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Book: There's Snow Escape: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 7) by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
never wrong about people.”
    If only Charlotte had a dragon inside to help her figure out her feelings for the two wolves. Shit would be a lot less complicated.

    Charlotte woke with a headache. She’d been awake half the night even though her room had tried hard to help her relax. The events of the previous night were still clear in her mind. Eros took Razzy home, back to the Dragos land. It took everything in Charlotte not to break down and cry with the girl. She remembered being that age. Feeling alone and having no one. Even her sister had her own things going on.
    Poor Razzy. Her sole family member was distancing himself from her. Charlotte had to help her.
    She put on her warmest thermal underwear, with a scrunched nose. Good thing she wasn’t getting it on or she’d look like an old lady wearing these.
    After dressing, she rushed to the living room and saw Eros headed to the kitchen, leaving Brecc behind in the living room. She licked her lips, wishing he didn’t look so damn good from where she stood and cleared her throat.
    “You don’t need to make noise. I know you’re there.”
    All righty then. The guy had some serious communication problems.
    He turned to face her, his eyes in that cool blue that distanced him from the world.
    “I was hoping,” she said with a wobble in her voice. Shit. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I was hoping to go out for a hike.”
    He lifted his brows, his gaze roaming down her body and then back up, so hungry and filled with lust, she started to feel hot in her layers.
    “We’d love to take you for a hike. Do you want some tea?” he offered so politely she couldn’t figure out what was up with him. “Eros will return shortly and we can go.”
    “I had some already. Alessandra left it in my room, I think. Or someone did.”
    His only response was a slight lift of his lips into a wicked smile. Lord those lips did things to her brain she couldn’t even explain.
    She’d been hoping to get him alone, but having Eros with them would help ease the conversation. She found being around Eros soothing, something she couldn’t say about any other man. Once Eros was back, they headed out, taking slow strides. They walked a path in silence at first. Then, as if Brecc’s curiosity had gotten the best of him, he started to ask her questions.
    “You like the cold?”
    She shivered but smiled. “I do. I’m thinking I must be a masochist because this is way more than the cold I’m used to.”
    Eros laughed. “Yes. We have seen many videos about earth and the different weather patterns.”
    Brecc frowned, worry pulling his brows into a deep curve. “Do you want to go back?”
    “No way!” She shoved her hands deeper into her coat pockets. “I’m fine.”
    “Eros said you have a sister who might worry if you stay too long. What about your parents?” Both Brecc and Eros offered her a hand to help her over a branch. It surprised her they continued holding after they got over it.
    “I don’t really speak to my parents much.” She met his gaze and pressed her lips into a line. “Not for lack of trying, either. They’ve just never been interested in being parents.”
    “She holds it all in,” Eros said to Brecc. She did, but how Eros noticed was beyond her.
    “That hurts you,” Brecc said in a low growl. “I don’t like it.”
    She grinned at how angry he sounded on her behalf. “It’s okay. I’m used to it. They’re probably not the worst parents out there. Neglectful, yes. Evil, no.”
    It dawned on her that the hike was turning out to be very nice. Both men held her hand and kept her engaged in conversation. If she were an adventurous woman, she’d wonder what she might have to do to keep them.
    Be adventurous. Take them both and run! Of course her brain would start fucking with her when she was around the two wolves.
    Eros pointed down a path of freshly coated snow. “Let’s go to the Crystal Cave.”
    She had no clue what

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