out Aenirans. Though it made sense. They became shadows on her world, and would be greatly weakened by darkness.
The Forgetting and the Binding of the Aenirans was also very interesting. It sounded like exactly the sort of thing that the Crones could do, which suggested that "the second sort of Chosen" were in fact Icecarls.
It all added up to the horrible realization that two thousand years ago, Chosen and Icecarls had joined together to fight against the threat from Aenir. Then they had gone about their separate ways. But now the Chosen seemed to be undoing everything that had been won. They were releasing Aenirans and taking them to the Dark World to become Spiritshadows. And their excessive use of Sunstones weakened the defense against Spiritshadows offered by the Veil.
Milla wondered if the Crones knew about all this. Did they know about Aenir, and the War, and their ancestors' part in it? Did they know what the Chosen were doing to Aenirans, and what it could mean to the Icecarls?
Something moved ahead of Milla, interrupting her thoughts. Whatever it was, it was coming straight toward her. Without thinking, she threw the stone in her hand. It whizzed between the trees and struck with a loud and fatal-sounding crack.
Milla drew her sword and advanced cautiously.
A small fluffy creature lay on the ground, its head crushed by the stone. Milla prodded it cautiously with her sword. It had the same sort of strange, thin fur on light bones that she'd seen before on the singing animals in the trees. Birds, as Tal had called them. But this bird had no wings and it had been running along the ground. And it was blue all over, except for its pointy beak, which was bright red.
"What is this called?" Milla asked Odris. "Nanuch," said Odris. "Stupid and single-minded. They come in"
Before she could finish, several more birds came running straight at Milla. The leader leaped up at her face and struck savagely with its pointed beak.
Milla ducked, and struck back, but it had already run on, not looking back. She barely had time to turn as three more jumped up at her. Milla got the first one with a flung stone and then quickly stabbed the other two. But there were even more behind them, all running in a single, straight line straight toward her.
"Flocks," continued Odris. "They should ignore you if you get out of the way. There's something else about them, too, but I can't remember…"
Milla kicked the dead birds aside and got out of the way. She stood watching in disbelief for a long time after that, as a seemingly inexhaustible line of stupid bright blue birds ran past.
If she'd known they wanted right of way she'd have given it to them.
When the last bird had passed, Milla picked up the dead ones. They looked like they'd make good eating, if she could cook them.
She'd just thrust the last one's head through her belt and made sure it wouldn't fall out when Odris swooped down and held out her hands.
"Time to go up!"
Milla was about to ask why when she saw a much, much larger version of the same blue, red-beaked bird she'd just put in her belt come crashing through the trees. A giant Nanuch.
It was followed by three more, but they weren't running stupidly in line. They were weaving their way carefully around the trees, and their fierce and intelligent eyes were looking everywhere about them.
The lead bird saw Milla and the carcasses arrayed around her belt.
It clacked its beak, a sharp, urgent sound that was louder than a shout. It was immediately echoed by all the other birds Milla could see and even more of them somewhere behind.
Milla didn't wait to count them. These birds were as tall as she was, their beaks were as long as her sword, and she could hear them clacking all over the place.
She held up her arms in one swift motion. Odris gripped them.
"Unnnhh," grunted the Storm Shepherd as she took off straight up. Milla pulled up her legs as far as they could go, just as the
James Alan Gardner
Lyndsey Norton
Caroline Crane
Melissa Whittle
Tim Dorsey
Alice Brown
Scarlett Metal
Robert J. Crane
Anthony DeCosmo
Zena Wynn